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Everything posted by 2 STICK PUPPY

  1. 237 5 speed. ... gonna put an air ride rear and air conditioning and bring the rear down to level it out
  2. 1969 R-600 I just acquired from my cousin.
  3. WOW Dave that brings back memories.... that's my brother in 1984 with his 1983 Autocar it had a 300 cummins 6+1 spicer trans with hendrickson 55,000 lb rubber block walking beam suspension a 66 leach 2-R 25yd body... this truck was on the cover of american trucker mag in 1988 ... that truck won most outstanding garbage truck in 1984 in englishtown
  4. U.S Diesel Truckin Nationals at raceway park in Englishtown N.J on September 14 http://usdtn.com/
  5. I use Virgo fleet for all my truck needs since the early 80's. Great people to deal with, great prices and excellent customer service. If Dave don't have it , he will do his best to find it. Welcome aboard!
  6. Yes... where the throttle linkage is there is a tin cover behind it.... remove the throttle linkage and the tin cover behind the cover you will see an allen head adjuster screw with a jam nut .... turn it an 1/8th at a time but make sure you put a vice grip on the throttle shaft or it may start WOT ... its better with 2 people .... with the vice grip you can control the throttle till you get the power you want .... only adjust the screw with it not running..... oh and replace your fuel line from the tank to the filter ... they go bad internally and may be collapsing restricting fuel flow and volume ... lines are only good 5-8 years even tho they look good on the outside.
  7. Yes that was a woodlawn cemetary truck from the bronx.... i remember that truck from years ago.... I wonder if he would sell her
  8. this would look great lettered up like my old DM
  9. I was there this weekend .... there were 3 owned by a company called Russo that were over the top resto's beyond beautiful.... I want that 759 garbage truck that was there
  10. I have both and am torn between both and I had a brockway..... I love all three but a Mack you can put any driver in and let him beat the snot outta her and will keep goin ..... I do miss my brockway and will have another someday would love a V-12 DD Leaker with a 15 speed fuller or even more so a air shift quad box
  11. that pic is on a chevy .... i just put it out there in case anyone knows of one finished and for sale
  12. thats what im looking for only i want one done
  13. national gear.... i called kenny ... no luck.... im gonna call byers bros in jersey ... mike is great..... but they haven't been available in years
  14. I have my own shop here .... i need one for a pattern ... the orig ones are aluminum
  15. it looks funny without em
  16. Im looking for the steps under the bumper for my autocar like the ones in the pic
  17. yes it is.... brockway and short nose autocars are like that too .... the bellhousing and front motor mount are set that way to move the motor to give the driver more room...... nice truck .. hope you get her
  18. click on the pic for a larger pic...... this is how i put the MACK pole with the mirror tech CR-60 mirror and the bulldogs
  19. here they are without the dogs on them with a mirror tech mirror ..... when you order the poles they come with the mounts for the dogs ... dogs are sold separately
  20. Mack still sells them .... mirror tech only sells the ones that have the mirror..... i believe the poles are 30" long... look at he DM in my signature
  21. Tell her that the Huskies must be mating hahahahahahaha
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