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  1. I know it’s a big ask but can someone list the part numbers for the 370 ami? turbo s400 # 5” exhaust off the back of the turbo # thanks!
  2. Are you referring to my issue or the other guy who hijacked the thread with a different topic?
  3. I have one in my single axle and it’s a nice trans. Can’t be the worst trans ever made if it’s in thousands of trucks without major issues.
  4. I have an eaton8ll in my 2007 Mack granite I recently purchased. Truck has 212,000 miles and 20,000 hours. Trans seems fine other than the 5th to 4th drop. Occasionally the trans misses 4th and seems to be in 8th. It’s driving me nuts when I’m downshifting loaded. Some have said the synchros are shot and have suggested just getting a rebuilt trans for 3800 and throwing it in the truck vs. re doing the synchros. Could it be anything besides synchros? How intense is the synchro replacement? thanks Eric
  5. What do you mean “make them run”. Just curious
  6. Damn nice fleet man. Looks like you’ve been growing!
  7. Got a new to me 2007 Mack Granite tandem. 8LL 370 hp 58 rears
  8. Yes sorry locking differential. Just not sure who sells them. I can get the gear ratio from mack I assume
  9. Do they make lockers for these rears or do you need to swap the whole rear out?
  10. So now onto bigger projects. Has anyone added power to a em7 275 H.P.? I would like to get a little more umph out of the old truck and the dealer doesn't have any real clear answers as to whether the truck can be turned up or not without paying them to dyno it and do scans etc... Just wanted to check with you guys before I went that route. Is there any way to get more power out of this truck without the dealer? I called these guys http://www.rochesterfuel.com/products/mack-performance/ the new injectors seem reasonable to get some more power out of it.
  11. So I bought the quiet pipe from Iowa 80 that Dogg rescue recommended and now I'm getting an obnoxious whistle at full throttle. I have to take the exhaust apart again and figure it out but, other than that the truck sounds much better and is more enjoyable to drive. Thanks guys!
  12. I straight piped my truck a few months ago and now I hear they passed a law banning it. I've been looking at internal baffles such as these. http://www.truckpipestore.com/mobile/5-x-60-internal-baffle-tube Wondering if these quiet the truck at all? Has anyone used them before? Thanks Eric
  13. Picture while polishing the body with the new medium gray paint which I'm not sure I like. Second Picture is with my new hub covers rears also have them Ill try and get a better picture tomorrow
  14. I want to re paint my steel bud wheels. What paint do you guys recommend? I saw some high heat wheel paint at auto zone in a spray can any good?
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