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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackniac

  1. here another one , nice CL from a logger in my town . full Mack , 12 speed tranny ,e9-500 a beauty .
  2. oh la la what a nice old beast !! very sharp looking .
  3. SUPERBLINER !!! WOW astonishing , the RED kills it and the paint on the truck is very nice .
  4. Einstein said it "Imagination is better than knowledge"
  5. 2 Superliner at the same time , man you lucky duck , here we call that piggyback ridding , but whatever the way it is a more economical way of transportation.
  6. would it be possible to see what the tracing looks like and maybe I can buy it ?
  7. no need to apologies , here is the name plate attached
  8. I've seen that beast up in Baie du Febvre last summer at the truck show !! the Malo's did something very special those bro's are realy nice persons , very talented
  9. nice MH those are beauties .
  10. Tim I need to go by your place a visit that fleet !!
  11. this truck was built in Oakville as per the museum data that I received, also I will double check the door tag but from memory it is indicated that the truck was built in Oakville . and for the leafs I would love to have them as well . thanks for the comments
  12. sorry miss understood the statement they both were painted item by me .
  13. congrats nice achievment .
  14. Dawg has been painted gold cause a gold one sell for $139.00. go ahead with you toughts about the dogs and football I"m all ears I have seen many with real gold dogs .
  15. E7 400 4 valves mack 12 speed front 12k rear 46 k Mack 1990 dumper 15 1/2 model RB-688-S R / Rear CRD93 F/ rear CRDPC92 camel back
  16. I'll try that brake spike and try to find-out if the diff have been changed .
  17. Ah so they all have a power divider but some have an air actuated lock and some don't , am I understanding properly ? so according to what you wrote they are not the original diff then ? If i spike the brake will this not stop all 4 wheels ? thank you for the help .
  18. When I bought my truck the guy said that there was the power divider on the diffs,and the air switch was in the dash, yeah right the switch was there but no line going anywhere , now I wonder if the diffs. are realy instaled with the power divider, is there an easy way to find-out a diff. with powerdivider vs without . here are mine :
  19. I'm in line for the puff test as well
  20. we have NY-NJ-CT-VT Chicago and now us Quebec Mack , hopfully we will have more other provinces and states . enjoy that is my dawg The dawg with the football is to honor my son Kevin who's playing RB (like My RB688S) for the local team, I know that the side door dog should not be on this model ( cause it is not a Western) but I find it nice to have those dogs on the doors feel free to use the pics if need be .
  21. I saw this beast being build in Simard suspension in Baie St-Paul Québec . it is rated at 50 tons . hydraulic suspension , I tell you this beast is very mean , from what I've heard it is destined to be somewhere in Mexico but I'm not 100% sure ,maybe someone in here have a more accurate description. http://s15.photobucket.com/user/towoc999/library/simard?page=1
  22. Good thing is that you are heading for a Mack ! your insurance is way up ! 11K a year ouch .
  23. is that mean we could get it for our old Mack ( 1990 ) ?
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