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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackniac

  1. yeah that truck is sweet !! next time you go we should try to meet there all the Mack lovers !! I was there too that wenk-end ! we had a nice time
  2. you were close to where I live !! next awler will take 2 beers !!!!
  3. If the trucks that are exported are utilzed to work and improve people lifes I don't mind , We have a guy here that keeps Mack in is yard and he doesn't want to sell any nor sell parts nothing, he keeps everything and they all rot to the bones !! so instead of keeping it like that I guess he should help the others to refurbished their truck with local parts to a decent price . Also having Mack all over the wolrd is a good thing becasue it means this make is worthwhile . my 02 cents
  4. Happy birthday enjoy it 100% ! also Mack be with you ! lol
  5. Welcome ! enjoy the ride !
  6. We should be proud that Mack trucks are used everywhere on the globe ! I do remember what Mack did for the war effort in WWI & WWII and many other construction sites , so be proud of our dawgs .
  7. wow what a nice colelction !!! superb .
  8. from there you can see somme of my Macks 1/50 scale http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a351/towoc999/Mack%2010%20roues/mack_dumper_001.jpg that is the link of the N model I made from a Ford Budd cab http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a351/towoc999/mack_N/mack_N_001.jpg. post some more latter .
  9. can't wait to see that beast back on the road ! those B81's are hughe .
  10. If I can help on pictures let me know, CH 1990 & R-model 1990 .
  11. I read that in 1964 Mack & Chrysler were about to get married but the U.S. governement stop the ceremony due to the anti trust law !! wow bravo ! I guess now that trust as changed it's meaning !! They can sometimes blame the unions but they should look more at the big bosses with there f...g hughe bonuses and there out of range paycheck !! my 02 cents.
  12. doesn't look like there is a seat on that bike , she's way to happy !
  13. I need two as well ! think of fixing cause the $$$ are rare !
  14. Welcome , don't forget to feed the dawgs with pictures ! otherwise they bark !
  15. too bad Mack don't make them no more , they would compete very well with the other Euclid-Hitachi Terex , Cat Liebeherr .
  16. looks more like you should mown the lawn than to plough snow !!lol
  17. which type of Dynamat you used ? the XTREME ?
  18. thank you guy's ! I knew that I would get answers ! So a Lubber-finer is a kind of xtra oil filter over and above the regular filter we have on-board if I understand properly ?
  19. I'd like to know what is this filter ? I saw that on many pics , it is on the side of some truck (seen on Brockways ) .
  20. the level of details is amazing !! I love the white mud flaps ! the brackets are great !
  21. after working with Mack's you might not want to wokr on others ! only kidding ! all truck are good but Mack's are the best !! welcome and I whish you a very good carrer in the trade !
  22. wow that red Hendrickson is so nice , this is a piece of art !!
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