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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackniac

  1. Welcome ! not from Jersey or US but still be able to speak and write the language !! lol
  2. I have B's and R-model as 1/50 scale we can get them aslos a 1/87 (aka HO scale(trainset)) .
  3. Superb job !! simply awsome !! are you going to Macungie this summer ??
  4. I customise those replicas , I collect them also but 1/48 -1/50 scale I can provide pics of the customs I do .
  5. wow , you gave the Supeliner a new life and it is a beauty , very well done , lot of work but I'm sure that you will be proud as a peacock running that rig down the road !!
  6. thank you for sharing , some very nice and some very sad but I guess this is in all country .
  7. pride is in the DNA and that can't be removed , ugly beaten up abused but still a Mack .
  8. nice video , I a gree you must be proud of it .
  9. nice pics !!! thank you for sharing
  10. I try to shift smooth too but I still have problems some times ! I tried with the rpm, I tried with the sound of the engine and still sometimes grr grr on some speed especialy from 10 to 11 and 11 to 12 , goes better when loaded . I have a Mack 12 speed with an E7-400 1990 , will I stop driving cause of the grrr = no do I want to improve yes ! do I try to improve = yes , the boss ( me ) is not always happy about that ! lol
  11. gorgeous Brock's !
  12. thank you for sharing those old beauties
  13. congrats and big thank you for the forum ! this place is filled with tons of infos and GOOD PEOPLE .
  14. enjoy the ride
  15. yep those were real knobs !!
  16. nice wrecker ! sweet West side model !!
  17. decals of all sort < I bought 2 bulldog faces and I also bought a 9-11 firfighting memorial decal I do not have the book .
  18. Anyone remeber the name of the guy selling decals of all sorts inside the arena , he was with his wife tall guy think is name was ? James but not sure , anyone can help please ?
  19. that superliner dumper is great looking
  20. welcome and enjoy ! nice versatile little rig .
  21. hope all is good with you , your grandpa & grandma as well , if you can gun-up some pics for us it would be very appreciated .
  22. don't buy the whole trailer , just the bumpers !!
  23. pricey maybe but if you think of all taht is been done on it and the prices of parts I do not think he is far off , but I agree if it is a show truck or a hobby truck it is pricey , but don't let me win some good $$$ because I would consider it !!! it is a beauty , I'm not sure either if you can have a recent truck even a Mack that strong today .
  24. Sorry I meant a Fuller 10 speed not a Mack one I did missread the post properly . I do have a 12 speed mack and she is good to me.
  25. new dawgs are welcome , the pool of knowledge just get bigger .
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