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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackniac

  1. I would take the manual tranny ! ( my hand ).
  2. Green Dash , why do you care what she wears on her head ?? lol
  3. mackniac

    funny pic

    there is no law in the US for animals !! is ti what we call cruelty ?? lol
  4. too bad they don't make them no more , by the way this must have been a very noisy ride !!
  5. Vlad , is the Green Mack's is yours ? if so I know where it is coming from !! this truck use to be with SGT transport near Drumondville Québec , Canada the name of the company is St-Germain Transport.
  6. have a good safe ride and ENJOY !
  7. Name: Mack RB688S Date Added: Owner: mackniac mackniac
  8. maybe I'm not good at seraching in the forum but I cannot find any R, U or other than B registration ! is there any tricks that I should know of searching that list please .
  9. Guy's thnak you for the history and the tour and the pictures !! so much history about that Mack family ! snif snif for Oakville but at least we still have Mack .
  10. I didn't go to Truckoberfest but I recognized the track , I went to the museum last summer and we saw it, also those F model are such a nice looking truck and like you said I would have benn a big contender against the famous KW aerodyne !!
  11. Mack Museum will have that info , but for a young truck like that I wonder why the dealer does not have that kind of info !!! or he does not want you to fix your own thing !
  12. very interesting story about open cab ! always good to hear the history ! thank you
  13. thank you for sharing those old souvenirs !!!
  14. Old style road side assistance !!!
  15. wow thank you for sharing !!!
  16. nice feeling to start and drive it after so long !!! looks like to be a nice project on hand !!!
  17. Very interesting info , anyone knows if that kind of info is available for R's ??
  18. you guy's amaze me !! how do you know a B73 from a B83 or vice versa is the difference that easy to pick ?
  19. man what a rarety !! thank you for sharing
  20. is the the one in Notre dame or the one in Baie du Febvre ????
  21. good site , simple ,complete, clear very readable, not too fancy with flashing lights and dancing baloneys !! good luck ! I want to build one myself for my company this will give me a good head start !! the only edge I have on you ( LOL ) is I have the Mack and the dozer but nothing else !!! lol !!
  22. the chopper on the trailer is the new road side assistance of some sort ??
  23. Cats always hidding when dawgs are around !!!
  24. man did we miss a good show or what !!! thank you for posting the vid and let us drool like a real Bulldog !!
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