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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackniac

  1. Thank you for the info on BROWN truck make ! it is very appreciated !!!
  2. HI ! Take your time read the book make yourself a couple of sketches of what you have problem with , right before the test get as much s.e.x. as you can get , tell yourself that you are the best and that you will succeed and then tada !!!
  3. For the small drive shaft maybe it is because the traction is with planatary and mybe you do not need as big shaft as when it is regular differentials . not sure but plausible . and yes the big Ken's are for oil field use .
  4. Hi ! Hum this topic is guetting more and more interesting !!!! thank you and keep the information coming !!!
  5. Hello ! Here is a link with many pics taken at the show : http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a351/towoc999/aths%20West-Springfield%20MA%202012/?start=0 Anyone enotice the truck brand "BROWN" if anyone has any info about this make of truck please would you share it with us !!! It was a very great show too bad for the weather but that is life I guess , over 900 trucks !!!!
  6. HI ! Yes I saw it and ask the price tag !!!!! = $85,000 sound pretty hefty but my guess is that it worth it the way this beat is intact !!! what do you think .
  7. WOW , what a beauty ! first day in the dirt must be hard to accomplish with a brand new truck !!!
  8. Hi ! thsnk you for all the info , so those dawgs are rare sight , do you know if any will be at Macungie this year ?? or if anyone has pics that could be shared .
  9. Hi ! this is so nice to see that your own truck is on the line and being made by people we chat ont the forum !! you must be drooling all over to get this truck in your yard . Also comes with a name plate specialy for you !! glad for you guy's
  10. Hi ! I sure aim at Macungie , but in the mean time I will attend West-Springfield !! I have no truck yet but looking for one ! and dreaming for one in the last 45 years !! but one day I will drive my own Mack !! see you there guy's W-S = dressed up in jeans a Mack Belt buckle and a Red Manitowoc hat , strong french accent and looks like a non-US resident for sure ! you can see easily that I'm from Canuckistan !!! lol
  11. Hi ! Thank you all for sheding light on this issue .
  12. Hello ! I would like to know if the Mack Legend series ( R model) was last made in 2004 ( I guess) and like to know how many were made , also if they were sold in Canada . regards
  13. thank you very much for the info on NOS !!!!
  14. HI ! What "NOS" means please ???
  15. HI ! Any news about your friends ?? don't worry no rush here !!!
  16. Hi ! Pretty interesting !!!!
  17. great help !!
  18. Hi ! I can go to CT pretty easly ! can you provide the name of the person maybe I can reach him ! my e-mail : towoc999@hotmail.com regards
  19. Hello ! what I would prefer Looking for a DM dumper 10 wheels ( or ready to put a dumper on it ) 12 speed Mack tranny differentials Mack ( with power divider ) camel Back 38,000 to 44,000 walking beam 38,000 to 44,000 front = 16,000 to 20,000 motor Mack with dynatard or Jake decent exterior decent interior decent tires But would consider a R model as well regards please contact me vi e-mail at : TOWOC999@HOTMAIL.COM or 450.372.6131 ( I speak very well englsih) André Grondin
  20. Hi ! not a very experience driver but yes the Mack 12 is a very good tranny very versatile and lovely to shift
  21. HI ! Bonjour ! Welcome fellow Frenchie !!!! beinvenue , moi je suis de Granby et j'ai un ami qui a un CH613 dompeur dans Charlevoix , je me cherche moi aussi un dompeur Mack .
  22. Hi ! Stay with the Mack , resell value is better ! also the lady with th e B81 front bumper is not to appetizing either ! sucking on silicone is not too tasty .
  23. Thank you I will check that , High reverse can be tricky yes I agree !
  24. hum ! no one have any comments ! thank you anyway
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