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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackniac

  1. Hello ! I'm in the process of buying a Mack RD688S 1895 E6 350 (sligh oil leak on the rear side of the motor( helper side ) but doesn't seems to leak too much . never been reworked TXL1070BT 12 speed Mack tranny CRDPC92 front (rear axle) CRD93 rear (rear axle) 700,000 km ( 438,000 miles ) front axle 18k rear axle 44k dump body in pretty good shape truck body need a bit of TLC but it is still very good (at least to my knowledge) , tires are very tired . frame is in a good shape suspension is hendrickson walking beam with leafs anyone here as any comments or suggestions about this truck ? please feel free to chimne in . will be used sporadicaly thru the years but not like 7 days 24 hrs , guy is asking 13k thank you for the help
  2. Hi ! Just don't leave the project just there , take you time and will will succeed !! this truck was rusting for so many years give yourself half those years to restore it !! then the final product will be very nice !! I'm sure !!! Mackniac !!
  3. Hi ! Here is the project in progress : Hi ! Here it is , I started from an Athearn Ford C series and transformed it to a 6x4 Mack N Series ( rare sight ) . 1- Ford has one sealed beam each side Mack has 2 2- Mack has a cap for a tank on the helper side 3- Mack has a front grill between the sealed beam Without any doubt there is other differences but now known to me, with all the pictures and research I've done it will be as close as I can do it . enjoy
  4. Hi ! Thank you Bumblebee !!!
  5. Hi ! Thank you very much Steve , Pieter78 , sent me a message and I went to see the pics of the Model N , this will be very helpfull . regards
  6. I'm a rookie here and I cannot find the pietrer78 gallery pictures . And Doug thank you for the reply , I saw your pictures of the N series pamphlet !! very helpfull
  7. Hi ! Thank's for the help guy's !!!! any more help comments and or pictures are very welcome , when I'm done with the model i'll post pictures .
  8. Hi ! Nice pictures ,very helpfull , thank you
  9. Hi ! I would like to know if any one can help me find information about the Mack model "N" with the Budd-cab . information needed 1- is there ever been a 10 wheels version ? 2- were they all coming with dual headlight ? 3- what is the size of the chrome logo on the front of the truck where it is written MACK ? 4- were they always the chrome lining between the two headlights holder ? If any one has pictures it would be appreciated . I will use these info for customising 1/50 scale model of the truck Regards Makcniac aka André Grondin Canada
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