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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackniac

  1. sorry for the lost of you father , this is very hard to take ( I know very well) . you can cry all you can it does help .
  2. Small & medium dozers are DEERE's the bigger ones (1050C) are Liebherr , I don't think that Excavators are all Hitachi's the deere brand are still made in USA.
  3. it was a nice show , nice drags , way too many (uglyfied) Pete's for my own taste, I'll try to get some pics saw only five Mack's .
  4. those 1050C are not real John-Deere they are nade by Liebherr .
  5. look like it is been a nice show ! missed it again . thank you for sahring the pics .
  6. Nice vid Vinny , by the way it must have been hard not to drive it around a bit !!!
  7. A friend of mine has one excatly like that for sale !
  8. hum ! govt. having share in company is not a very good thing, because the company don't change the rules about big bosses bonuses et many times the company goes belly up and the employes are going belly empty !
  9. The laddy in the ladder is LIGHTly dressed as we can say ! never good to be top heavy in a ladder though ! she seems to have nice ribs as well .
  10. I just read that thread , good to know that he is improving , whish the best to you and your family
  11. what this thread if perfect , not even a typo !!
  12. it might fall out before the end of the year , if you have some spare tie down use them properly to keep the cab on the frame , do not over tight the tie down though cause you might bend something, your on the right track to get a new ride soon .
  13. good to hear good news about Oshkosh ,
  14. Another nice part of history of truck making, very interesting. thank you for sharing
  15. thank you for sharing , lots of nice truck .
  16. Welcome to BMT , and don't feel bad about being a lady in the truck & mecanic world ! my girlfriend is also a engine maniac ! you will find here so much information and help that you wouldn't believe it could exist.
  17. hum I like the chalenge ' since I already have the seal kit might as well go for it , I'll keep you posted and by the way waht is the meaning of "IDK" ?
  18. Love the look of those short nose
  19. Very well done scratch built , this guy has talent.
  20. welcome , Mack is a special breed , but we are friendly .
  21. welcome to you , enjoy the ride
  22. that truck looks good and the logo is also very nice .
  23. mine is leaking form the top shaft , and I have a replacement kit ! are you saying here it is not worth the try to fix it ??
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