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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackniac

  1. thank you for the link , this music is like U2 , the best !
  2. From what I saw last evening on the spoke "VALVE STEM ONLY FOR DISCK BRAKE" I was very surprised I will take pics tonight and post it on here , and make sure that what is written in the cast .
  3. very interesting set-up ,
  4. on the fiesta maybe they are radio antenna ! some cars are radio powered ! at least the pick-up in the video has nos exhaust restriction problems .
  5. my dawg is a 1990 Mack RB688S a friend of mine told me that there was only two location but he could not remember from when to when . thank you all for the info .
  6. can we hear it ? can we hear it ? love the sound of a Mack V8 .
  7. hard decision but if you feell at the end of the journey and you are exhausted about so many things , my guess is that you make a good desicion , do it before in sinks too much in your head .
  8. I've been informed that on a Mack Spoke wheel there is only 2 locations where you can align the tire valve , is that true ? if so are marked in a certain way ?
  9. my understanding is that the engine is been refurb but not removed form the truck.
  10. wow what a nice piece of history , thank you for sharing
  11. they were all there for having fun and good time an then this terrible thing happen , man what a tragedy .
  12. all good stuff to make truck drivers look better !! gee I can't believe that.
  13. hope for them that the saying is true "Cat has nine lives" cause the way they go they will need it , seems to me to make many mistakes , marketing wise and production wise , a company that gives up highway engine and then they come up with a highway truck is a tad bit ackward to me .
  14. I understood you were not knocking the cab side I was just writing what I think , and it always make me wonder why the cab side is so important ! no feeling hurting ! lol
  15. looks like a nice truck but the fr... $$ are not there for me .
  16. Tim you had pick-up not a truck , now you have a truck ! lol less good on fuel economy but at least a lot more space to bring what you need in the field !! lol
  17. odd looking beast , I would have love to try that just for the heck of it .
  18. nice buy Tim , bought that from the JEAL bros ?
  19. Congrats on the certification !
  20. I did change the hoses so the Deer is behaving like a Cat ! lol also why are you saying cab on the wrong side ? there is no wrong side cause either side you always have a blind spot, and still today you still have cranes with with cab on the right hand side ! anyway she digs properly than it is ok with me .
  21. another nice history post , thank you for sharing
  22. what a nice truck , lot of work putted in there , congrats.
  23. Welcome , and for sure help will be there by many very experience and knowledgeble people , maybe your crazy but crazy are needed to make sure we go forward , lol
  24. at least people are still working there at Macungie, either for Mack or Volvo , and I understand the feeling of having this brand of truck going away from what i was in the past .
  25. could have been worst ! a Vulv......
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