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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackniac

  1. happy 4th to all of you U.S. neighbor !!
  2. stinky , they will layoff many workers to meet the target then the big bosses will go away with big $$$ again .
  3. wow , another part of our Canadian truck history , many trucks that I did not even know about . thank you for sharing , very interesting .
  4. oh ley schmock , in way lucky to have not get in the ditch.
  5. nice post , I own an old J-D 690B 1980 , she is slow but she is good to me .
  6. another nice post about truck history ! thank you for sharing.
  7. look likes it is been a very nice show , a tad bit far for me , thank you for sharing the pics. so many nice truck there.
  8. thank you all for the wishes , yes I can say I'm proud to be Canadian , my dawg was made in Oakville at the time we had a plant there . Je me souviens stand more for I REMEMBER , but I tell you that what we remember is not all the times what they think it is ! lol but there is some country a lot worst than ours .
  9. wow what a nice find and a nice aquisition !! you must be very happy both truck looks superb .
  10. this will be helpful for me as I will certainly have to do mine on my RB688 soon . love the pics and explainations .
  11. welcome and enjoy
  12. check with Camion Robert , If I recall properly I saw and old Mack there with an 18 speed . 4065 Rg De La Riviere S Saint-Jean-Baptiste, QC J0L 2B0 (450) 467-5009
  13. Cab on the HDX looks like Kenworths cab and the COE red form Other dog pic looks like a old White-Freightliner cab.
  14. The JEAL brothers stops at nothing to get tere truck I guess .
  15. keep up the work and soon you will be driving this U-nique truck !
  16. here is my ride : J-D 350 straight 1966 http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a351/towoc999/dozer/DSC00072a.jpg
  17. welcome aboard , enjoy , when able to post pics go ahead please !!
  18. loves both of them , but the MH is something else .
  19. nice truck you got there ,
  20. welcome , I'm sure someone will chime in and help .
  21. welcome and enjoy !
  22. that LFT is a fine looknig truck , haven't seen many of those .
  23. amazing how fast thing can happen , hopefully he will get back , we pray for him and also his family .
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