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Everything posted by scotty327

  1. 94,200 on a tandem 120,000 on a tractor with special permits without permits its 60,000 tandem 80,000 on tractor I beleive
  2. WOW I knew we were hauling some weight but not that much lol hey guys thanks for the warm welcomes I am very glad I found this site
  3. I love being on here its great to find people with the same interest in the BullDog instead of having people think of ya as a freak for being wrapped up in the Dog..... lol but really its really great to be on here everyone so far has been wonderful Thanks To All
  4. Greetings From South West Virginia ,,,,, Rolling This WV Coal In this 2012 Granite...
  5. I would like to wish all my MACK Friends a HAPPY AND SAFE 4TH of JULY!!!!!!!!!!
  6. If anyone knows any thing about this ring I would appericate any info on it before I have it sized to fit me. Also. Thanks for all the welcomes seems like a great bunch of bulldog fans here..
  7. Me either. I got it at a estate auction. I don't know if I should get it sized and wear it. Or just save it. I cannot find one like it anywhere. Really want to wear it but I'm afraid it's worth more than I gave for it. But thanks for your hospitality I can't wait to explore this site even further. Also thanks for the patience with the down loads
  8. the ring has the bulldog and on the inside has the words STER AND CTC it is a sterling silver ring
  9. R3.zipR3.zipR3.zipr4.zipr.2.zipr.2.zipRing.zip
  10. I can't figure out how to pot them!! Lol. Kinda new to all this
  11. I am a new collector of Mack and The Mack BullDog I came a cross a ring and can not find another anywhere hoping for some one to help... Please
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