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Everything posted by Tombstone

  1. The term power tower also applys to the framework(headache rack) that your winch assembly is encased or attached to. Most of the heavier units have spots where you can attach your cable to so you can use a snatch block adding more "power"as in pulling power to your winch. Safety note:never stand anywhere in the line of fire in case your cable breaks,also it helps to drape a heavy blanket or something similar over your cable to stop the wiplash effect in case of breakage.
  2. If you live in Ct., I'm sure you've heard of Joseph Equipment in Manchester, NH. The last time I was there , he had about a dozen B8? in various stages of repair. He claims he won't part with any of them, but I got the impression money talks.(even if he won't sell you one of his ,I'm sure he can point you in the right direction).The address is 835 Gold St., phone# is 603-641-8608, website, www.josephequipment.com. If you make the trip to his shop make sure you check out his antique toy truck collection in his office. Good luck and happy hunting! Tombstone.
  3. Here's one for ya, guy wants to buy my B81 which I was selling for 3500.00. He sends me a check for 6000.00, tell's me he's shipping it to London and the ship is waiting for the truck, could I please(he was very polite) send the 2500.00 to the shipper asap by Western Union. I said, sure thing, as soon as the check clears my bank. He sends me another e-mail and tells me the ship can't wait that long(a week is what the bank told me), could I just send 1500.00, again by Western Union and we could square up at a later date. Of course I said no, and lo and behold the check bounced(surprise, surprise). Anyway it cost me 10.00(bounced check fee) to learn a good lesson. But it didn't end there, two weeks later another guy sends me an e-mail trying to pull the same scam. The common thread between the two scams was that the e-mails had gone through a series of relays, so there was no way to track them down, and both wanted the money sent through Western Union. A good rule of thumb is when it comes to business and money, don't trust anyone but yourself, and always remember, no good deed goes unpunished. God Bless, Tombstone.
  4. Nice truck! It looks identical to a truck that belonged to a guy I met in Birmingham,Alabama. His name was Blackwell, his dad had a Kenworth dealer up until 1980, I don,t know if his son is still running the business, but if he is, he's got a huge stash of NOS part,s pre 1980. He also had the daycab match to your truck with no miles on it. I've got his card somewhere, if I find it I'll post it for you.Tombstone
  5. Nice truck! Just want to let you know if you loosen the clamps on the ATA pipe and move it forward a tit hair it'll take the ripple out of the turbo rubber.Hope it helps,Tombstone.
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