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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Dirtymilkman last won the day on October 9 2021

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About Dirtymilkman

  • Birthday 02/06/1979


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  1. No affiliation. Saw on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/465984462949056/?ref=search
  2. Somebody would knock you out to steal that grille. Most are busted. Doors are same as a CH cab. The rest will go forever.
  3. I wondered about 41chevy too. Anyone have info?
  4. https://ts2.space/en/mack-pickup-truck-a-blend-of-power-and-reliability/#gsc.tab=0
  5. Silver Mack Bostrom 915 came out of a 1996 CL Elite. Back cover good condition, cushion cover wore. Good armrests and good seat frame. Red, Bostrom 715E seat cover, came out of 1990 CH. Back and cushion cover excellent. Have rods and red vinyl filler pieces too. All excellent. Also 715e frame with armrests. Excellent shape. Also have RED armrests for Bostrom 915 seat. $250 for red 715 cover Silver- offer
  6. The MP engines are bulletproof....except the injectors. The bottom end is probably the best. As for emissions issues, well, they're like everybody else.
  7. I am guilty of never clutching unless coming out of lo hole. We ran lots of 18 speed macks and they're very reliable. Syncros last around 600,000 miles for us but that's lots of shifting as they're route trucks for milk pickup. Typically a million miles is 40,000 hours.
  8. Run 15w40 Rotella. I think my last refill was $15/gal bulk. I always change oil every 10,000 and never had any issues with oil burning or wear. 1,000,000+ miles on original bearings. I've always got mack filters because by the case they were cheaper than vendor filters.
  9. Where on God's green earth is that?!
  10. That bar is a belly grease spreader. They work really well.
  11. Hope you crushed it, Vlad! 👊
  12. Do an oil analysis. Check for fuel in oil too.
  13. Happy birthday Vlad!!
  14. Did u find what you need? Otherwise I can give you a vin for my ch with an e6. I believe you'd need the filter tree
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