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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. The stickers are ridiculous. Unless you have that shrink ray perfected. But those door panels look beautiful!
  2. I watched the whole clip muted. I'm sure I enjoyed it so much more that way. Wow
  3. I love The Black Eye Peas.....well maybe just Fergie.
  4. That may be a valve for when your axle is lifted the brakes won't apply. I cant remember whT mine looked like but I had one on a truck before.
  5. Minnesota numbers went way up today. Why? Because they decided to add numbers from previous tests that weren't counted supposedly. This is what we're dealing with here. And our governor wants us to be like California. https://knsiradio.com/news/local-news/covid-19-testing-anomaly-reported-wednesday
  6. I cant remember the brand of hood I bought for my CH, it wasn't a Jones. It was what the Mack dealer got me. But it needed so much work before we were able to paint. Very disappointing. Next one will be Jones.
  7. Some
  8. Wow.......didn't realize I was a puppet. Somebody's Wheaties got pissed in. So I'm a puppet, kscarbel is the devil, the old lady (whatever her name is this month) is terrible because she's a liberal Democrat, (which I don't condone, but she's entitled to her opinions) and you're what? You have your opinion of people Mr. Hancock. But no one else is allowed theirs? Dave went off on the lady about unions and union shops. You didn't have a thing to say. I believe in everything he says, he's entitled to his opinion. You think everyone should only be allowed to think what you think? You took something simple as a tongue in cheek way to title something and you think youre being left out of a club. Do you think everyone is talking about you behind your back? Go run off again to the principal and tell on us again. Have respect for all people.
  9. I was looking at Epstein's old island. I think I can get a deal on it.
  10. Crash away market. A $100,000 cash will make you a lot of money.
  11. An electric coal door with camera would be a great option.
  12. Check the silicone hose on the air compressor that comes from the intake. Sometimes when they are rotten you'll get a funny sound.
  13. On the subject of Cummins, I saw this article. I thought it was interesting. https://www.thedrive.com/news/35330/how-cummins-designed-a-14-3l-flat-four-with-eight-pistons-no-valves-and-1000-hp
  14. Needs a gunny sack to put over the seat cushion.
  15. From the little bit I heard, it sounds like a smooth running etec. Never start listening real hard to an etec. You'll start second guessing everything.
  16. Actual flywheel horsepower of the coolpower?
  17. Make sure the drives driveshaft is in phase. It does sound like a bad carrier bearing though.
  18. Boost should hit 32 psi on 427. I split a stage 2 tip on my 460 once. But I change injectors every 250,000 miles. Stage 2 injectors with that bigger turbo and those 427's feel like 500+ hp
  19. I would re-core the radiator. Its fairly cheap and easy. Also make sure your fan shroud is all there so your pulling enough air through.
  20. What a rumble coming out of that exhaust!
  21. So the Ford Genesis tractor had what kind of engine?
  22. What is the Ford diesel engine? Iveco?
  23. Definitely replace the shocks. Night and day difference.
  24. If you slipped getting out of that thing you'd fall to your death.
  25. Sharp superliner! Love the colors
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