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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. Bad econovance
  2. Buy the knob from PAI. They're about $100 cheaper. You can buy an Eaton knob for about $35 but I don't know if they'd interchange.
  3. I like the gold "Mack " script
  4. Was that Nuss's Titan?
  5. $45 to swap tires here. That's just crazy. Plus they charge shop supplies and also valve stems are not included. My buddy just had a flat repair done and it cost $79.
  6. Not sure how the anthem can is mounted but if it's like my Titan you'll love it. Not sure if my Titan is mounted the same as the Aussie ones but its different from my CL's. Great ride.
  7. I have Dura Brights 😆
  8. I use one. The original is called the Golden Tire Tool or something like that. They work awesome. Once you get the hang of the way it works I can dismount a tire in less than a minute easy. Their mounting tool works awesome too. Easily worth the money considering how much it costs now to get rubber changed and how slow they are.
  9. Warranty is excellent. I put the extended everything on mine for 5 years. You pretty much have to buy a separate warranty for everything. There's after treatment, harness and sensor, engine, transmission and so on. Cost me an extra $9,000 but that paid for itself many times over.
  10. Do the Aussie MP's have cup/injector issues?
  11. I see tons of anthems in MN. Even a lot of day daycab ones. I remember when they rolled out the vision you couldn't get a daycab for a couple years.
  12. That's how it should be done. I see in Australia they will build things the people want. Here it's all about the profit margins and appeasing the shareholders.
  13. Does the 5500 Ram have a heavier frame than the 3500? The 3500 has a lot of flex.
  14. I thought that tailgate was the biggest gimmick around. Then I bought a new GMC with one on it. I love that thing.
  15. Always check your u-joints and bearings on your steering shaft. I've replaced many where you couldn't even turn the steering wheel and it was just a $6 bearing.
  16. They both have the overhead consoles and they also have the factory center consoles too. The '89 center console is quite a bit different than the '01 console.
  17. Just abuse. My 2001 has a million miles on it and it looks like new inside. My '89 ch still looks new inside too.
  18. Nope.........Passenger seat.
  19. That Rep looks hungover as F........
  20. If my math is correct, 400,000 trucks divided by 10 years is 40,000 trucks per year. That's putting out 109 trucks a day, 24/7. That doesn't sound right to me.
  21. I believe YOU are on the other side of the world. 😁
  22. I never knew they built them like that into the '40's
  23. Why would no egr affect the motor? Wouldn't it be better for the engine to be deleted?
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