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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. They sure know how to build a truck there.
  2. Actually our fortune came from inventing the ballpoint pen. My mileage is exceptional, except in the winter. My clone needs to work on his winter skills.
  3. Not that I heard of, but to me it sounds like something getting sucked onto the fuel pickup tube in the tank. Like a shop rag or something smaller but stiff. That's why when you shut the truck off it'll run normal again. I have seen it happen with the seal from a fuel supplement bottle.
  4. I still don't get it.
  5. CDC Started in 1978 between Cummins and J.I. Case. Case and Cummins designed and built the B and C model engines. Fiat later bought Ford/new Holland then years later case.
  6. Cummins let's many companies use their engine. I believe there's Chinese companies that lease the license to build their motors. I have seen a 6.7 labeled as a Beta Power motor in a McCormick tractor, as a iveco in a Case tractor and called a Cummins in a Versatile tractor.
  7. A peterbilt sleeper on a KW.....
  8. How much water will they use to produce hydrogen? Water is our most precious resource. It's mandatory for life. We can't drink oil, so we might as well burn it. I'd much rather see "fossil fuels" run our nation's infrastructure than our water.
  9. DO NOT overthink this........it is perfectly fine. We always joke that it's a oversized camshaft idle. Sometimes you can get it to smoothen out by putting on a new fuel return check valve. But it will come back.
  10. Check battery disconnect switch or other grounds. You'll always get power on a ground if it's searching for a good ground.
  11. Miles? Hours?
  12. That's a lot of inner tubes.......
  13. Just think if a guy could go back............
  14. Imagine the steering wheel holders here in the U.S. trying to hook that up correctly. Then imagine them trying to drive it.
  15. This all depends on the dealership and salesman. They can push for better pricing assistance and sell them a lot cheaper.
  16. Go with the gravel pit. It'll be way less headaches.
  17. What the hell? China going back to inner tubes?!
  18. Sound deaden that cab and get a great seat and keep the a/c up. You have just as comfortable truck as any.
  19. Henry would be proud......he was a big fan of the Germans.
  20. What say you about the coat? Trying to seal water out?
  21. This is the new way to safely inflate tires.
  22. I'd love to see the whole truck.
  23. Check your shifter boot and replace any flex pipe on there.
  24. That looks so awesome!.................. hahahaha 🤣
  25. Anytime you gotta rebuild a tranny every year might mean that driver may have issues. Ours are running 90,000 plus with liquid loads. We do change grease every 350,000 miles.
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