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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. You won't need a front cross member, just the E7 motor mount. If you are able to find a parts man that gives a shit they can look up someone's vin from an r with an E7
  2. What are yours made out of?
  3. These guys are making them. https://m.facebook.com/100064255954994/
  4. https://cedarrapids.craigslist.org/hvo/d/la-crescent-12-speed-mack-trans/7548545764.html
  5. I will try tonight when I get home
  6. Looks like James Bond in that picture! Congratulations!
  7. I have never ever had a cut off wheel break with the guard on. So my common sense says to me that one won't break with the guard off. Wrong!
  8. Been there man........had one explode and take my pointer finger off. Got it sewed back on but it's useless. Good luck and take antibiotics.
  9. I have a '90 ch with an e6 that has the cable throttle. I removed the factory pedal and put in a setup that is made for hot rods. This way it's closer to the firewall and it's suspended so there's nothing touching the floor. Works excellent and is easier to push.
  10. I think you'd need external air cleaners for room under the hood. But for what it'd cost to do injectors on an mp10, you could redo all your emissions. Go with an aftermarket one box.
  11. The crappy sensor in the coolant tank. Not the sensor itself but the float in the tank that the sensor reads. Try tapping on the tank where the sensor goes in. It may jar the float loose. Otherwise you need a new tank.
  12. I think Joey is on the right track with the injection pump. The shutdown might be a separate problem from the lope. Will prolink or something similar say why the light is coming on? Does the override switch stop it from shutting down? Coolant level sensor, temp sensor and oil pressure sensor are the three that can shut engine down. Motor only needs crank sensor to stay running otherwise. Something in those circuits is triggering the light.
  13. I have a 2001 etec that easily puts out 500hp and it has 1,000,000+ miles with only injectors and valves set every 250,000 miles. Otherwise only thing done was 2 eup's, a starter and waterpump. I also am the only one to drive it. No trouble cooling it in a CL, but make sure the cac is a good one. Also, you want a e7 with the two piece pistons.
  14. Just drain it. No need to clean. That's just oil and water mixed together in it.
  15. Why would you want to run over 1800 rpms? You're out of your power band at that rpm.
  16. I'm still saying it's a programming issue.
  17. It's a programming issue. If you get rid of vgt your engine brake won't work very well. What year is your truck? 2015 and newer are obd2 and they are more complicated to delete. Mines a 2015 and all is deleted but egr. I guess that's a trickier tune. The only trouble I have is egr coolers keep cracking. We figure it is from the weak mounting setup. The next leaky cooler is getting welded shut and ecm will be sent in for a tune.
  18. I was told by an old mack guru in my area that 425 at the wheels was max. But I wouldn't have my foot in it for to long.
  19. 50 rpms will bump your oil pressure to almost 30 I bet
  20. 650..... maybe a bit higher on the etech because of the rough idle.
  21. I would bump your idle RPM's up first. 625 is to low.
  22. A vice and a torch and this is done easily. Practice on a junk used one first if u want. But once it's hot you can bend, twist, turn it any way u want.
  23. Just so he knows...."earth" means ground up here in the states.
  24. My 2001 I bought brand new had an air clutch on the fan. That was the first one we ever had snap water pump bolts. And they kept breaking till I finally got ahold of Mack corporate and explained my thoughts. They were still using the big steel fan with the air clutch. When the clutch kicked in, I think it was to much strain. They switched it to a plastic fan and that has over a million miles and no issues.
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