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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. Here's our truck you can spec out for heavy haul. It's special because you can bridge more weight......... but no, you can't have the motor you need. Sounds familiar.
  2. Because nobody wants to work or go the extra mile.
  3. Someone is wearing their tinfoil hat.........
  4. Do the girls come with it?!
  5. We always joked Ford stood for F*cking. Owner. Really. Dumb. ..........I think we can change the O to Officers.
  6. Is his knee touching the dash?!
  7. That was a pretty good watch.
  8. Some pretty serious looking blokes.
  9. Pretty sure Volkswagen isn't worried about employees. It's all about shareholders and bottom line. They might say it's to save jobs and want people to think they're saving jobs but sadly not true. If they were so concerned about people and so compassionate, they wouldn't have been spraying dirty diesel exhaust into the world's atmosphere. They would be looking to exceed all emission standards. One thing matters in the corporate world.......$
  10. What a great idea!
  11. It sounds good to me!
  12. I've blew out a few front tires and never had any worry of losing control. Worst was at 70+ mph and a brand new Michelin steer exploded on me. Just hold the wheel and ride it out.
  13. How will they meet CAFE requirements?
  14. Hell, let's start screwing that up too. We're already paying for the rest of the world being dirty. What's a little more of our money pissed away.
  15. They sure are trying to reinvent the wheel. I hope the actual smart guys that climbed ranks can find jobs at other places quickly.
  16. Yeah....... just like football. Exactly the same as football.
  17. It's almost like they're drowning and reaching up trying to grab anything they can to pull themselves up.
  18. If it's very cheaply priced you will have buyers. But can it be cost effective building these by hand one at a time? With the hours put into these they may be as pricey as a Freightliner or Paccar glider.
  19. A mustang inspired crossover? It's official, they're losing their minds. To me your vehicle portfolio should be like a stock portfolio. You don't wanna put all your money into one particular stock or type of stock. You wanna stay diverse. You need tech stocks, energy stocks and so on. That way when the market goes down on one type of stock hopefully your other type is making money. They can't all be winners all the time. But you can't give up on one because it's performing poorly for a while. Stay diverse and stay current.
  20. A day cab T880 with dual exhaust is a sharper looking truck.
  21. If I were building a clean slate cab and truck there'd be a lot more thought put into the whole cab.
  22. So true. There's transits here rusting already. Not as bad as the Sprinters rust though.
  23. Most camera system s can be set up for motion activation. Mine only record when there's movement. Your clarity will also depend on how much you compress your files. If you want longer storage times you can compress the files more but it'll not be as clear.
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