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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. I got a new one in my shop in boxes yet. But a stainless one would make more sense. The look is almost identical. Except Aussie ones look better IMO.
  2. My Titan has a crappy chrome over aluminum or pot metal. It peels like crazy. I wonder how close the dimensions are?
  3. They should use the maxforce powered ones for rpg target practice
  4. On those trucks, what is the grille surround on the hood made of? Is it stainless steel or chrome over aluminum?
  5. Ford seeks to save about $7 billion in engineering and product-development costs while reducing by 20 percent the amount of time it takes to bring a vehicle from the sketch board to the showroom. Uh-oh.........I learned you can't get more milk out of a cow by feeding it less.
  6. I never looked at a brockway with an R cab. That brockway dash is way better where the speedo and tach are.
  7. It's all about being #1. They didn't want ranger sales taking away from f series sales. They want that best selling feather in their hat. So call the ranger the F100 or something and add it to the f series sales. I don't think the #1 seller is a big sale point.
  8. There's a couple "test" Kenworth's around here pulling farm milk pickup tankers. The guys hate them compared to the Allisons. The main complaint is the skip shifting. With partial loads the milk rocks in the truck and it makes for a sore back. For fully loaded loads they work good. Backing up is a lot better with these compared to the ultra shifts. But so far the Allison is the winner.
  9. If you buy it, put $10,000 in it before you do anything. Remove all emissions from it. Change oil in tranny and rears too. Heat was the main issue with the '04's. They had a cooling package that was to small and the egr's and coolers were troublesome.
  10. I just don't care for cabover trucks. Even as a little kid I didn't like them. My brother and I would fight over who got to play with the peterbilt. How can a cabover be more aerodynamic? Wouldn't a conventional flow air better?
  11. I like the Chevy Tornado. Such a handy little thing.
  12. I believe the correct term is "fugly".
  13. The truck isn't the problem. You may get a pro-rated deal on a new truck. But you'll have depreciation.
  14. I think GM was wrong doing away with the two tone and tri tone paint schemes.
  15. I heard $8 rumors.
  16. I couldn't give her my vote. She's a spitting image of my ex wife.
  17. Almost takes the fun out of it.
  18. A friend of mine bought a new Chevy Equinox Diesel all wheel drive. He's averaging over 40mpg.
  19. Is it me, or is Ford just treading water and content where it's at? It seems their only interest is the pick-up and real estate. And what's with the new subsidiaries? A business cannot be afraid of failure.
  20. When you were telling this story and said you felt something wet, I thought you were gonna say your foot burst. Thank God it was just a water heater.
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