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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. 🤢🤮
  2. I remember when stuff made in Japan was junk. Now if something is made in Japan, it's high quality. Now the Chinese tools and parts are junk but I have been seeing a lot of stuff come from Indonesia. Is that gonna be the new China?
  3. The center consoles in these newer vehicles are getting out of hand. I test drove a new Dodge pickup the other day, it was like driving a cabover on the inside. The console is so wide and tall it's ridiculous.
  4. I learned over the years that the worst thing to do to a u joint is grease it. If you grease a u joint and grease comes out, make sure it comes out all four and then clean off all grease. That u joint is good for at least 30,000 miles. Penske did a study and they only grease every 40,000 miles. Less replacements being done then when they greased at 4000 miles.
  5. I started with a 300 with a 2070 trans. Grossed 85,000 everyday. It took not quite 1 mile to get to 60mph and that truck would cruise along nicely at 65. Fuel economy was in that 6-6.5 range.
  6. HP per ton is bullshit. It's torque and the torque curves that climb that hill. Take a 355/380 maxicruise and a 430 Detroit, a c12 or anything else close in hp. That maxicruise will out pull them all.
  7. This is why the E7 is still one of the best engines built. 12 liters, durable, 500 hp, 1900 torque (before they snuffed it with emissions) and would fit in anything.
  8. Your best thing to do would be to hook up a mechanical gauge to check oil pressure. Any cheap pressure gauge will work. I believe at idle you need very little oil pressure. How well is the Jake brake working? That's a telltale too if you have low pressure.
  9. Injector cups. I just replaced mine. Hand prime the motor then try to start.
  10. https://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/grd/d/cab No relationship
  11. When the economy tanks this so called "smart city" will tank too.
  12. Going to cannibalize the granites?
  13. You mean it's not just that way in the USA? Haha. People here have to realize, it's not a total Democrat or Republican thing. It's a politician thing! I saw that Kennedy crying tonight after the state of the union address, what the hell are there any Kennedy's left in government for?! It's not supposed to be a dynasty. Get rid of the Clinton's, Bush's, Kennedy's, any and all relatives of them and start putting term limits on senators.
  14. Temp gun the radiator hose. Probably a gauge issue. Always run a thermostat or a flow restrictor. Check to make sure radiator is in good condition and not plugged.
  15. It's been this way for years. I believe the thinking is, if our presidential equipment is cheap or junky, then we arer an inferior nation. Look at our views of North Korea. We see them as very inferior.
  16. I think a dressed cab is around $40,000. The dealer by me has been selling new take off cabs for I think $7000
  17. Hydraulic retarder is a unit your output shaft goes through. When you wanna slow down it would open oil flow up and use oil movement as resistance.
  18. Our small Massey tractors have a 2.2 Perkins. If you get a challenge or caterpillar tractor it's a 2.2 "cat" engine. They do run a different head though.
  19. I hope you are great at metal fabrication. These are gorgeous trucks. I have a bulldog off of one. Lol
  20. That looks like a job very well done! But you don't want to ever run over 100psi in an air bag. That's when they burst from a sudden shock. You may need a bigger bag to be able to bring the pressure down some. But that setup looks awesome!
  21. Mack USA could learn some things from down under
  22. Absolutely go for new frame. As 41chevy said, add an axle when you do it. While you are getting it done, it's a great time to run all new airlines, new air valves, brake Chambers, bushings, torque arms, wiring, etc. Build a truck you can be proud of. Stick $25,000 into it. Just remember though, when you insure it, insure it for a higher value.
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