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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. I rarely disagree with you, but........I think the LTL was the best looking Mack built.
  2. The vehicle will move but it won't put 100% of the power to the tranny till stall speed is reached.
  3. I know the older GM's were 1800 stall from the factory.
  4. I don't feel sorry for you guys. Our temp here is exactly opposite on the left side of your mercury.
  5. I'm beginning to feel like I wanna forget what winter is.
  6. The one in our area is a preproduction model, which equals junk. Not a impressive truck. I don't know why they'd send such a pieced together truck out.
  7. A trip to Mexico last week cured my sinuses. Now I'm home and they're back with a vengeance.
  8. I bet 41Chevy probably has one laying around!
  9. Look up the crate engines from Cummins.
  10. Now this engine really has me curious.
  11. I still say you have a shop towel wedged somewhere. I have seen it done here locally. A guy put 3 new radiators in himself, they kept splitting. The fourth one Mack dealer put in and found a shop rag stuffed in a coolant line. The guy stuffed a rag in there to keep debris out while he swapped radiators.
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. T rides are horrible. Volvo tried making Mack push them here over Camelback. Very, very bad luck in heavy use. They're all going back to Camelback. The t ride was a Hendrickson suspension. I remember Sterling trucks with it.
  14. I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how your truck is holding up.
  15. Even the Chevy Cruze diesel has to be decked out. Can't buy it with cloth.
  16. What are you running for boost on a hard pull?
  17. Maybe a little crazy
  18. 290 miles with new turbo. Only acted up once and hasn't since. So as of now, it's a we'll see type thing.
  19. Well tonight I am getting a new turbo. We'll see. I think this may be the ticket.
  20. Please keep us posted on this.
  21. I would love to know the verdict too. Being a milk truck, this truck is very hard to lay up for exploratory surgery. It goes in tomorrow evening, maybe we'll find out more.
  22. Frigid in Minnesota here too. -21 this morning, right now -15. Happy new year all.
  23. $130 an hour and these technicians walk around like they're sleeping. For that kind of money they should be running to the parts counter and back. You go in the shops and see a whole new level of putz. The day crew isn't bad, but the night crew is horrible.
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