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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. Possibly a corrosion reason?
  2. Yeah.....it doesn't sound promising.
  3. Did u engage the power divider and try to move afterwards?
  4. Aluminum is light but get dings from stones very easily. You also have to polish to keep shiny. Stainless will stay pretty, is durable but will crack and is a bitch to drill holes in for mounting.
  5. Don't forget to always use a tire cage when filling with air!
  6. Why were the Daytons so popular in Australia?
  7. My guess is gonna be injector cups, but I'm not an expert. I know those are the main issues.
  8. VIN number! Then have service at a local mack dealer check it and see if it had service done somewhere.
  9. Any of that Road Choice or Road Force shit is garbage. I did a clutch once with that because that was one that was available the quickest. It was bad.
  10. Too bad they're not as easy to replace as an e7
  11. This interests me too a bit. I have the Ambach pump and I'm not sure if there's much more to get out of it.
  12. I guess I use them on e6's. Way easier to install.
  13. They said I can start right at the fuel line off the tank first with low pressure. He mentioned the Davco filter could be doing it?
  14. Thanks for checking. They told me to pressurize the injection system so that may be the next step.
  15. 2015 MP10, cold starts great, warms starts good most of the time. But, on an upward incline, if it sits for 10 minutes it'll crank and sputter and crank. Sounds like a gas engine that's flooded. Then it will fire and take a second to clear out. 600,000 miles, 500,000 on injectors. Runs great, no power loss, no smoke. The upward incline thing puzzles me.
  16. Would there be a torque switch on the transmission on this one?
  17. A great older machine are the ford's. But the Cases are the gold standard.
  18. That Hendrickson Z leaf style is a good suspension. Just make sure you always keep u bolts tight.
  19. Here is their info. Check out the button tuck stuff too https://m.facebook.com/100064255954994/
  20. Get a shop vac in there first and suck that shit out. Then remove the screws on the sides of the center dash and the front panel will tilt forward and lift out. Vacuum everything clean as you go. On the front panel there is sealing goo and I think foam, be sure to replace all of that otherwise you won't have any air blowing decent. Spend extra time and effort to clean everything out real good.
  21. I hope you checked her credentials.
  22. I replaced my tanks to steel instead.
  23. The Mack ch cab is actually more aerodynamic than the Volvo cab. Something like 2% more efficient. What scares me is Freightliner set the precedent by killing the Western Star cab and using the shakers cab. Hopefully Volvo doesn't use that idea.
  24. We were taught that you'll get run out from not having your clutch set up. If you're out of free pedal it's putting pressure on your crank thrust bearings.
  25. I'd go 18 speed. You have a gear fir every condition. And if you get the mack 18 speed Lr then you have 4 usable reverse gears. An Eaton may be way cheaper though and I saw winrock truck parts sell mack to Eaton conversion kits.
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