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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. He's been going through a few family issues. He's also very disappointed in the way a couple members on here act and have lack of respect. He said he is swamped with work and gives news on here for fun. But it's not worth it when a few people are rude and disrespectful.
  2. Yep, it's a fleet truck. I kinda like it except for the hood mirrors.
  3. Ran by Navistar as in international?
  4. Yes. Get all the information and vin of the truck. You can get a permit. It doesn't need to be licensed, dot'd or anything. Last one I got was like $15.
  5. I saw it happen when the PTO didn't totally disengage and the guys box slowly crept up as he went through town.
  6. The surge on an e-tec is just the check valve on the fuel. I definitely wouldn't be afraid of the newer one. You would wanna see when injectors were done and an overhead was ran last. Probably do oil analysis on everything first. Also check nitrates in coolant. This is why Mack should make glider kits.
  7. Will cast pistons be ok when you add some boost to them? I was taught to use forged or they'll end up in the oil pan.
  8. Now that's not very nice.......you're just picking on the Ford engineers now. These trucks were never designed for manual transmissions. Also, it'd take a hefty tranny to stand up to the increased torque. Then you'll be losing efficiency. And yes, Rowdy should apologize to Kscarbel. Ks did not insult Rowdy. There are certain things that people will never agree on. People can learn to be adults though and be respectful.
  9. The autos today are more reliable than the manuals. Our powerstrokes would give synchro problems, clutch and flywheel issues too. Now you don't even give the tranny thought. Of course they are trying to sell the trucks to people that don't need them. Trucks are the biggest money maker. Also if you don't need 40 mpg, why not own a pickup instead? The decked out ones are as quiet and drive as nice as any expensive car. Plus it's more versatile. Safer for families too.
  10. Does that matter when you're a teenager?
  11. I didn't get married in a Mack, but I had lots and lots of sexual relations in them!
  12. How much weight can those guys carry there? That's a hell of a load.
  13. Chrysler is like the neighborhood whore. It just gets passed around. I read where if they spun off Jeep and ram, that would be worth more than all of FCA.
  14. Have you heard anything about no def use in the upcoming Volvo engines? I heard 2020 for a date. Is this possible?
  15. If they actually did test that setup, that doesn't say much for Navistar's standards. I have seen the maxxfarce's on the interstate coming from the factory broke down on numerous occasions.
  16. Possibly fuel filters. But could be injector pump or your vmac going bad. Btw, hot girlfriend!
  17. Sharp trucks. At first glance they look like a Silverado with that new bar grille. Still not sold on the twin turbo v6. It's not usable power.
  18. There is no way any advantage to having electric trucks. You still have to produce the electricity, recharge batteries, replace batteries, etc. As with electric cars, the first 25 years of buyers are just buying basically prototypes. The same will be true for trucks. I think our truck builders have nothing to worry about for at least 50 years.
  19. Personally, I go and find another '59
  20. Holy crap that is an RD hood
  21. Probably marine.
  22. A union official using funds for non union business?........no way. Those guys are for the workers and honest to a fault.
  23. Oh. Wow.
  24. That is class......only complaint is that glove box area. It looks cheap compared to the rest of the interior.
  25. Volvo just needs to not be so arrogant and give Mack the freedom Renault did.
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