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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. I don't think the good ole USA is very innocent either.
  2. I'm all for a nickel more fuel tax, IF it goes for the roads.
  3. The last new truck I bought I paid $30,000 in Federal and state taxes.
  4. Haha..... Buffet announced himself he sold the stock?! So all the "sheep" sell off too. He can watch the stock for a week and buy it back for 1/3 the price.
  5. I'd pitch in a million, but I think that'd be a drop in the bucket.
  6. I call dibs on swishys "black Mack"!
  7. Those look so advanced for their year. Sharp truck. Were they a nice driving truck? More comfortable than an F model?
  8. Honestly, if you want a paccar you better buy one soon. Most guys I talk to with the new cabs hate them. Dash rattles, tons of electrical gremlins, cheap materialsand so on. My buddy has pieces of cardboard crammed in spaces all over the cab to help alleviate the squeaks and rattles. He also said, even with the vin number he can't get the right parts. There may be 2 or 3 or more choices and they don't know which one it is unless you have the part there. I really think if I didn't go Mack it'll be Western Star.
  9. What did the inside look like?
  10. So enjoyable. Why is this looked down upon now days?
  11. Even with Medicare you still need plan B insurance. The cost of that went astronomical. And if you get insurance through work, do you really think it's free?! You're still paying for it. Government programs only benefit the the very poor or the lazy. My dad is 70, his Medicare supplement costs $8500 a year. What a great deal! Thank you Obama! My healthcare went from $290 a month to $900 a month, thank you Obama! Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining! Don't be so proud that you can't see your failures. Our WHOLE government blows. It's all about the lobbyists with the biggest checkbook.
  12. When you attack our people, you're no longer on the "left" or "right". You are no longer an American citizen with rights in my opinion. The best thing they did was kill this bastard. And sorry to say Rowdy, maybe one of the people that shot this guy is a left wing gun toter. Everybody has a right to their opinion, but NOBODY has the right to kill them for it.
  13. For once I agree with you completely. They need a flagship truck. You'll see a construction fleet of T800's pulling end dumps or belly's, then they'll have a couple big power w900's for moving the big stuff. Mack used to have that market with the R's and Superliner and the ch's and CL.
  14. I could see me using the mp10 in the future if they'd make it available. Europe is going more liters and more horsepower and we're cutting back. Total BS
  15. As long as you guys are fishing for E9'S...... anyone got a lead on a nice Superliner with E9? Square headlight and minimal rust.
  16. Are we still based off the E9 block?
  17. Send them away......make it another country's problem. Then when Navistar gets a bad rap there they'll never be able to export a truck again
  18. Did they have the E9'S in 1979?
  19. Haha. If they did, Volvo would make you get an ishift with a mp7 and taperleaf rear suspension
  20. "Climate change" is inevitable. No matter what the climate will change. Always have. Always will. Is it China's fault the ice age ended? Is it America's fault the dinosaurs went extinct? Not at all. Yes we may have been accelerating climate change, but we can't control it. I also don't understand why they say the sea level will rise? If you take a glass and fill it with ice and water, what happens when the ice melts? The glass sure doesn't run over. I believe I remember learning the polar caps are nothing but ice, so they're already in the glass of water.
  21. Their one Titan that I was in had an Allison Auto with a 4 speed brownie box. Also 18 speeds with brownies in some.
  22. So Bernie Sanders isn't a Democrat?
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