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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. After you you sand it be sure to wipe it down with a good paint prep like prepsol. There's a shop in my area that ceramic coats and he was very reasonable priced. Did a set of V8 headers for $60
  2. Lol. I wonder why
  3. She can handcuff me any day!
  4. And if Carrier offered to keep the jobs here if the workers would step out of the Union, what do you think the workers answer would be? These unions do bleed these companies as bad as they can then whine when the jobs go south. I think the unions should go to Mexico too.
  5. I would be running heavier oil.
  6. Those E9's just scream legendary.
  7. That's not a bad price if it includes freight.
  8. So Bill Ford couldn't run the company right......so they hire a guy he says thinks alot like he does?!?
  9. And this is why the quality of vehicles gets worse and worse. To make share holders happy. No company can say quality and value is their number one priority when they're publicly owned.
  10. I need a new shift knob/range selector for my T318 Mack tranny. Anyone ever used an Eaton one on a Mack? I can get aftermarket Eaton shifters for $40
  11. Clinton's are great at covering their asses. I personally don't see the big deal about the email debacle, I just hate Hillary. I can't stand her voice, attitude and smugness. She's not smart enough to be as condescending as she is. To put Clinton's powers in perspective... . Seth Rich was a worker for Hillary that supposedly sent emails to wiki leaks. He was "mugged", shot in the back. The police stand by that story. The family of Seth Rich hired a private investigator. He found evidence of Seth emailing wiki leaks. Now the family all of a sudden says there's no evidence of that. They all of a sudden got scared of getting "mugged" too. Here's part of the police statement. ... Rich was killed as he walked home in D.C.. He was shot twice in the back but wasn't robbed. His wallet, cellphone, keys, watch and necklace were all left on him. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but if I were to mug a guy I'd take his things after I shot him.
  12. My favorite B model! An L cab.
  13. They're a good mower. Same as a simplicity brand.
  14. Bold guardians of the brand?! WTF.
  15. So sorry about your girl. One should never have to bury their child. Talking does help and just getting out in social situations helps.
  16. That's the closest we'll ever see to there being a new Superliner
  17. It's been done. Someone on here had a picture of it. A CL is a Superliner frame. You need the steer axle and then a set forward hood extended.
  18. I like their sleeper options. The interior looks like cheap plastic and blah colors. No class. What does paccar have against using real photos?
  19. Dumb question here, but what does it mean when they talk about deregulating trucking. I'd love to hear a explanation of this.
  20. Run your boost gauge to a different port on the intake. I had this same issue on a 427, the gauge would flutter like crazy. There's different ports to plumb into.
  21. Wow....what a pussy. I've never heard the term "hole" used for a chamber. This guy hopefully will just kill himself by accident and nobody else. I've never heard such a level of immaturity before, even from kids.
  22. Sharp trucks! You'll like the chu!
  23. Maybe we need an auto shift? 😁😉
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