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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. You'll be surprised at how easy of a fix this will be. Replace the peanut kit right away too. The intermediate shaft usually snaps off, pretty easy to replace.
  2. Argosy's came out in 1997 as a 1998 model.
  3. I have to say it's probably the best looking cabover. Is there still a doghouse in them?
  4. Wow..........
  5. Yep. I change it every 20,000 no matter what.
  6. Union = The exact opposite of Independence
  7. I disagree. I'm not a fan of their cab or interiors.
  8. When you pressure test, pressurize it to 40 psi and shut air off. It shouldn't lose any pressure. Spray soapy water all over to find leaks.
  9. Your injector failed because either the tip cracked, broke or the spring was weak. All you need any additive for is lubricity and for gelling below zero. On our older pickups we would dump in a bottle of 2 stroke oil or automatic tranny fluid once in awhile. In fact when I change filters on any diesel I fill them full with tranny fluid instead of diesel. When I was in college we were taught the number one reason for injector pump and injector failure was because people changed their filters and filled them with diesel. Diesel can be pretty dirty coming right out of the pump and unless you fill the filters through the little outside holes you're putting unfiltered fuel in your injector pump. The red color from the ATF doesn't tint the fuel either.
  10. I might need a smaller steering wheel. 🤔
  11. Why would the army need a sleeper?
  12. When I leased a trailer they measured tread depth on every tire. It stated in the contract that I would pay for tires and they would have to be that depth or deeper tread. Also any abnormal wear on anything I had to pay for.
  13. Do you really think big fleets get cheaper pricing?! The way big fleets get a truck cheaper is the dealer's set up a cheaper package. Fleet trucks don't have the nice amenities in the cab, the sound proofing, or plushness. Lot of times they have steel air tanks, steel fuel tank straps, painted steel dpf covers and steel wheels. That stuff all needs replacing in four or five years. These are referred to as throw away trucks. There are also fleets out there refurbishing their older trucks. Does that make them stupid? If they get one half more mpg with the older trucks and run 2000 miles a week think of the money they save.....Oh wait I better find a report on it so you don't have to figure it out. A fleet running 10 trucks can pay a driver's wages saving one half mile per gallon. My last truck I financed for 3.3%. Not sure where you come up with this high "credit card financing" rate. If you judge a person by the vehicle they drive then what are you TEAMSTERGRRRL?! Being you drive a Ford Ranger.
  14. Well, MN is starting to look like Somalia.
  15. Hahahaha.......I think 41 could buy and sell your life savings many times over.
  16. Who do you think paid for the levees?! ANYTHING the government subsidized is still paid for by the people. I mean white race as in the people that live and work and support America. I don't see people as being black or white or red. We're all on the same team if you love this country. But let the radicals run free and you'll see what happens. The majority of our people these days are sheep. Look how long it took Hitler to take over Germany and do the damage he did. Like it or not, you need Rowdy and people like him. And he needs lefty people too. We gotta keep our country in check.
  17. Germany's economy is doing just ok. Europe is not in great shape. Greece is dead, France will collapse if they don't change and at least Britain had the foresight to leave the EU. Venezuela was impoverished when oil was high. There were food shortages back then and people couldn't take care of themselves. DO NOT FORGET HISTORY or it will repeat itself. But this time it may be the white race or American race that gets wiped out due to ignorance.
  18. This just nullifies anything you may have ever said that was remotely intelligent.
  19. There's do'ers and there's talkers. Most politicians are talkers. They've never experienced real life situations. It's all numbers. I can take numbers before the start of a fiscal year and tell my self there's no way to keep going. But you always make it work. People that haven't done, really shouldn't talk. Experience is way more educational than a report or a bunch of numbers. Teamster says she wouldn't start trucking because she knows the numbers....So how are we making it? Maybe it's called actual hard work. I won't criticize the food in prison because I haven't tried it.
  20. Straight trucks have a HUGE advantage in maneuverability. Narrow roads plus narrow driveways make it not possible with a tanker. Believe me, I own both. This is real world experience, not a study. If I could get by without straight trucks I wouldn't have any. It takes approximately 800 cows to fill a truck. And my one straight truck picks up 14 farms to fill it.
  21. Actually it allows me to run farther out to pick up more small dairies. The big dairies are all using tankers because their yards are set up for it. The smaller farms in very rural areas are hard to access with a 42 footer. Straight trucks are basically intended for just that reason. Otherwise tankers are more economical.
  22. Guess we could build a separate road for all the cars that cause the congestion.
  23. Now that quote sounds like a politician. In a perfect world, everything would also be produced locally, a man could make a living milking 20 cows and farming 80 acres, the wife could raise the kids and each family would only need one vehicle.
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