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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Dirtymilkman

  1. That grille is so boring and just.....Boring. Do they even try for something that looks attractive?
  2. Really? But yet you're a bragger about unions and most import companies that assemble cars here are in right to work states. I bet the 3600 people in Venezuela think it's worth it.
  3. Just because it "works awesome" doesn't mean it works. For about $750 you can have your a/c completely redone.
  4. These are the pictures I saw so far. Nothing impressive or good looking here. I can't stand the Volvo plastic interior. So cheap and cold looking.
  5. As least they can still have a little class added to their trucks......For now.
  6. Look at those soft clean hands............
  7. And they build them where the cheap labor and cheapest taxes are. The big three wouldn't build an automobile in the US if they knew they wouldn't lose sales.
  8. What's wrong with Beavis and Butthead?!?! That's one show my dad and I could both sit down and watch together.
  9. The reasons we are losing business is not all CEOs and managers. It's a lot of lefty policy that's been happening for 50 plus years now. Keep squeezing businessestighter and they will all pack up and leave or sell out.
  10. Check your air to air for leaks. More than likely it is cracked. You should be able to pull 38 lbs. Mine have stage 2 injectors and it'll push 44 lbs of boost. Get the intake side pressure checked and you'll find your issue. Unless your turbo is getting weak.
  11. Best looking new truck on the road.......And it's styling is 30 years old
  12. Such a true answer. My ancestors came here to get away from Europe. If you like their ways so much, go live there.
  13. My home farm was bought from the railroad and the closest track was 3 miles away.
  14. I don't remember the railroad paying their own way. Across the Nation the railroad was given half of the land. They then could use what they needed and sold the rest.
  15. My tabs alone are well over $2000. Plus another $1000 in permits plus over $8000 a year per truck in fuel tax. Oh yeah, then all the f.e.t. I pay when I buy tires and the $20,000 in fet I paid the last time I bought a new truck. On my last truck I paid over $30,000 in taxes, that would buy a normal car. In a 5 year span one truck pays over $80,000 in just tax!
  16. I sure do love titties..... I guess liberty and guns too! But I don't like beer... Should I want it banned?
  17. Yes, the raw milk. MN has a very complex weight chart that makes you legal by one rule and illegal by another rule. But the law that sides with the state supercedes all. You can be under gross weight but be illegal by axle weight or vice versa. You can also be legal gross and axle but fail bridge law. And yes I believe all trucks should be exempt. Why should truck company's productivity be held back because of the states inability to maintain roads? We pay our heavy use tax, our fuel tax and buy permits. But yet they still shackle us.
  18. Because like it or not, MN is an agricultural state. And MN is one of the larger dairy states. And the condition of the roads is not the trucks fault. The tax dollars were spent in other places and most of the money gets put into the heaviest populated area. So that is why the rural roads are suffering. Milk has to get off farms no matter what, but there are counties that are waiting outside of farms and cheese plants waiting to weigh trucks.
  19. Hmmmm......Who owns BNSF? In MN our lovely Democrats voted down a law to exempt milk trucks from road restrictions.
  20. We had a 237 in a 84 once. It'd pull 80,000 just as easy as the 300's. It was great for short runs.
  21. I'm sure this man is an outstanding citizen. He probably is just stressed from working so much to take care of his children. I'm sure he has home owners insurance and proper automobile insurance that will probably take care of the cost of the damages. I think he needs a hug and all of our support.
  22. https://www.yahoo.com/beauty/marmite-may-brain-food-study-says-041654428.html
  23. This vehicle shouldn't even be allowed to be sold. Ford upper management should have the scruples to pull these cars and fix them right. So in 5 years there will be a bunch of college or high school kids that have bought these used and can't afford to fix them. I would hope ford takes a little more pride in their products.
  24. https://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/hvo/6037186633.html
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