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    Goonellabah NSW Australia

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    trucks & trains
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  1. that blue and white ultra liner was marketed as the ultra liner (series) 2.
  2. well, i never noticed that lazy thing. sure looks like it has a proper rear axle, damaged and removed rear shaft ???
  3. Just bummin round on the net looking & dreaming, good old girl. http://www.truckworld.com.au/buy/used/truck/mack/r600/prime-mover/90890.aspx
  4. need some shots of the value liner as well, bit hard to see under the trees as i drive by.
  5. As far as i can remember the magnums in Australia were all powered by Cummins signatures, still a few running around but most of them have now gone to the dismantlers yards. imho they were a big mistake.
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