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  1. The cutting out seems to be worse at road speed about 70 its almost like its running out of fuel for a split sec. hoping someone has a guess
  2. I have a 2005 Mack Vision has 740,000 miles At road speed the engine just cuts out and then comes back. It was missing and cutting out a couple of weeks ago put it in the shop they Found #2 and #3 unit pumps logging fault codes replaced also turbo was leaking oil out the back replaced and cleaned inter cooler. Been running truck but still cutting out also smokes bad too under low acceleration like its loading up not sure about egr related???? Also several months back broke fan clutch plug off does anyone know where I could get one besides replacing???? It also shows some weird codes like injector 13 and fuel control valve awhile back and engine management.
  3. I have a 2005 Mack Vision CX612 single axle no engine brake has 740,000 miles At road speed the engine just cuts out and then comes back. It was missing and cutting out a couple of weeks ago put it in the shop they Found #2 and #3 unit pumps logging fault codes replaced also turbo was leeaking oil out the back replaced and cleaned inter cooler. Been running truck but still cutting out also smokes bad too under low acceleration like its loading up not sure about egr related???? Also several months back broke fan clutch plug off does anyone know where I could get one besides replacing????
  4. Its a CX612 single axle doesn't have a jake not showing any codes except some silly injector 13 code. Shop that did the work thinks a ground issue it was cutting out before unit pumps and turbo replaced but thought it was because it had problems. seems worse at road speed
  5. I have a 2005 Mack Vision has 740,000 miles At road speed the engine just cuts out and then comes back. It was missing and cutting out a couple of weeks ago put it in the shop they Found #2 and #3 unit pumps logging fault codes replaced also turbo was leeaking oil out the back replaced and cleaned inter cooler. Been running truck but still cutting out also smokes bad too under low acceleration like its loading up not sure about egr related???? Also several months back broke fan clutch plug off does anyone know where I could get one besides replacing????
  6. found one stud broken today on the exhaust manifold doesn't look like it's leaking but would this cause the smoking problem??? It would be a job to take all this apart for sure torch like every bolt and I'm sure nothing will come out of the head
  7. replaced low coolant sensor and washed the ecm and harness plug out with starting fluid. still smoking and showing a code for injector #3 Abnormal Freguency.
  8. Low coolant sensor is leaking into the connector, Checked the boost pop off valve it wasn't open but feels like the spring isn't that strong should I replace??? Cleaned the oil off the ecm connector. No exhaust leaks also fan electric piece moves with or without truck running
  9. fan doesn't ever go off and havn't found any leaks yet but did pull ecm plug out and it was wet with oil???? the boost gauge is electronic but it always runs good and has power but the smoking is bad
  10. the electronic log shows 128 14 - 5 MID 128 (Engine), SID 14, Injector Cylinder # 14, FMI 5, Current below normal or open circuit 1 128 3 - 8 MID 128 (Engine), SID 3, Injector Cylinder # 3, FMI 8, Abnormal frequency, pulse width, the bolt comes on the dash once in a while also engine fan runs all the time I checked exhaust and boost hoses not seeing anything unless I'm missing something
  11. I have a 2005 Vision CX612 its smoking a lot of black smoke under acceleration seems to be worse at low speeds. It will smoke heavy until it clears out at road speed no big power lose and pulls fairly well under load boost pressure goes up to 25 to 30 and drops back. Truck has over 700k pulled front boot of front of turbo and is wet with black stick sludge in air cleaner tube. Not sure if this is causing problem. It also seems to puff out dark smoke going down the road.
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