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  1. What did you do to fix the hunt

  2. west palm beach...I removed and cleaned the pins from the duetch connector it made no difference. I also disconnected the tps it actually raised the rpm but the hunt remained. I unplugged the the timing sensor from the flywheel and the hunt remained. I can unplug both the econovance solenoid and the TEM sensor and it makes no difference.
  3. im trying to repair a 97 ch600 with an e7 engine. the truck came to my shop not running. through some tests I determined the injection pump to be faulty and thus had it redone. I also rebuilt the econovance. after reassembly the engine has a mean hunt between 600 and 900 rpm. if you rev the engine above 1000 it smoothes out. no smoke or indication of the pump being out of time. sensors all seem to be working properly. any advice would be great. thanks JG
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