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    Cle Elum, Washington, USA

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  1. Just got a quote on a set of 1000-20 traction radials.... $540 each! Yikes
  2. Volvo. I didn't realize those trucks were so looked down upon. Even the wheels. I guess that's why they are so inexpensive.
  3. Found a set of these aluminum wheels. They are 24.5's but if I run Low Profime tires the diameter is the same as the 1000-20's that are on it now. I think they were drive wheels but $400 for a set of six seems pretty reasonable. They will dis-mount the tires also. I dont know what they are off of, but the square vent holes look pretty cool huh?
  4. Yes, I think what I really need to do is keep it stock, but get a good set of tires for it right off the bat.
  5. I recently found a box van chassis with a Cat 3116 engine and a 5 speed transmission. I have a 3 speed brownie also. Thinking really hard on buying the chassis and retrofitting the engine and transmissions into the Mack EQX. What is the conscensus in the Mack community on doing such a thing. I tnow the Mack is fairly rare but I think a more modern diesel engine and a good set of radial tires would go a long way to make it more road friendly. The truck has a 354 gas motor with a 5x2 transmission. 7.63 rear end currently.
  6. I made a trip out to Montana to visit a old friend and stopped by to look at that EHU. My first impression is that it is so far gone as to be unrestorable. Yard art, maybe a parts truck if it werent so rare. But after driving home and thinking on it for a few days I thought it may be a interesting start to a vintage motorhome conversion. If you could mount the cab on a later model 1 ton truck chassis and convert the 8 lug to 10 lug buds then find a van body for the back..... I dont know, theres not a single piece of sheetmetal on it that dont need attention.
  7. It belongs to my Father actually. We collect old Power Wagons and he found the Mack up in Colville, WA while chasing down a lead on another truck. I'm the one who will be doing the mechanical work on it. That said, I'm pretty sure he would consider selling it for a fair price. What do you figure the value is in its present condition?
  8. Will any Continental flathead swap in (like one out of a generator or yarder etc...) or is it a Mack specific engine? We would just like to get it moving under its own power.
  9. We recently came up with this cute little truck. Near as I can tell its a '37 or '38 3/4 ton Mack jr. It has a 6 cylinder engine thats cracked and 16" wheels. It looks like a chrysler flathead engine or maybe a continental...
  10. 1929 BC. Looked at it today. Not one piece of sheetmetal or wood that dosent need to be replaced or tuned up with a hammer and dolly. Cab is totally shot. Hood hinge is rusted in half. Aluminum flathead six with dual carbs. Guy wants $3000 for it. I'm new to old Macks, but that seems steep for a truck that will have to have so much fabrication work done to it... Is that a fair price? I was thinking $500-$1000.
  11. Can somebody ID this model Mack? I was told it was a 1928 year truck, but I think its a '30's B model.
  12. Looking for set of vintage looking tires for my EQX. It has 1000-20's on it now. I like the looks of the tires of Dave Mauro's (RIP) '40 FK in the posts below. What are those? Availability?
  13. 5500 series. Is it worth $300?
  14. My neighbor has a 3 speed Brown Lippe Aux transmission. I dont have a use for it so I told him I'd see if anyone else does. He wants $500 for it. I have no idea what its worth. It has a 50% underdrive, and a 30% overdrive, Direct and Neutral. Located in Central Washington State.
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