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Everything posted by HabelTrans

  1. Northern tip of lower Michigan (Charlevoix)
  2. ETECH 460, 18sp, 3.86 ratio. 12 front 40 rear on air ride. Low miles on o'haul (approx. 150k) and almost no miles on new cam and rear head (under 500 mi). Nice little 50" sleeper truck (sleeper has about 9" of space between mattress and front wall). The only things that I am aware of it needing are a short piece of flex pipe and possibly a plastic res. tank for the cooling system. I am asking less than I have in it. Would like $13000. I have over 9k just into the cam job. Too many projects and too many trucks. I have to let this one go.
  3. http://nmi.craigslist.org/hvo/4943662209.html So, it runs real well. Have not been driving it, other than to bring it home from the Mack shop (250miles). Make me a good offer. I don't have to sell, but would like the money back to get a shop for myself.
  4. Well, new update. Headed to the Vet (Mack shop) tomorrow morning to get the CH back. I plan to get it back on the road over the next couple of weeks But; if someone wants it. I would be open to offers to reclaim my money. The vet bill is almost 10K, so don't think you will buy it for a song and dance. It would be real dollars (over 16k: what I currently have into it) or I will smile while driving it. Oh, and for those that think they might like to give it a boat ride, don't bother. It might not be a classic, but it is a Gold Dog!
  5. Great looking Truck!!!
  6. Dave, Go find a farmer with an old A or B John Deere and a hay wagon. Take it out to the field and play with it for a couple hours. Voila, you are now the man to back that truck up and make the jaws in the crowd hit the ground.
  7. Paul, I've wanted to come to your land and play truckie for years......... but if I have to wear pluggers to do it; my fantasy is no more. LOL A super trucker....... That's the guy that does it his way (most likely wrong) and if something goes wrong it was someone else's fault. He will also make sure the world knows that it would have been alright if it hadn't been for the other one that caused his plan to not work. Quite likely he is also the "radio Rambo" trying to tell everyone else on the road how to drive their trucks so that they aren't in HIS way!!!!
  8. I have a CS300 with a small crane that I use here around the yard and for farm purposes. They aren't a bad little truck. Paul, that's what most folks here call them too......... I call mine my Little French Bulldog. The CH is my Mack.
  9. They might be a turd......... but we had one in a Brockway back when I hauled sand and gravel. The ol' boy that drove it said, "yeah I wear ear plugs, but I can do 72mph uphill, downhill, loaded, or empty". And that was with 154,000lb MI trains. Oh, yeah, the sound of one of those twin six's will put any 350 chevy to shame. I agree guys, it'd be great longer with sleeper. I think it would be a fun piece of history to have and/or play with.
  10. ^Yeah, what he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  11. I've wanted one of these for years. If I had the extra cash, I'd be all over it. Hope it goes to a good home if you do sell it.
  12. I agree with the guys sayin unloader (that is if they are referring to what I call a governor). I drove a truck with a triple 4 cummins years ago that would eat them. I pulled MI gravel trains with it (so mostly summers) and would replace it about twice a season. Carried one in the toolbox at all times. It would work fine one day, then, the next the same problem as yours. With eight axles and three places to wiggle behind you, not to mention the 150,000 plus pounds, the last problem you want is an issue with air. I say replace it, it isn't expensive and is very easy to change. I used to do it in the dark with a flashlight in about ten minutes.
  13. I am in the northern portion of Michigan's lower peninsula (approx. 50ish miles from the Mac. Bridge). The truck is currently in Detroit getting a new cam as well as the rear head. I don't think it will qualify as a mechanics special as of this coming week. I may still consider selling it, but it won't be near as cheap.
  14. Just to let anyone that may have been thinking about this know. I had it on the hook and dropped it off at the Vet. yesterday. Hopefully get it back all patched up and drinking diesel again by late in the week.
  15. I am no genius in this area and have not had the problem with a mack but, I have had this very issue with a series 60 Detroit. Have you thought about injectors at all? My series 60 was doing the same exact thing. At first it took a few days of sitting unused...... then it got to where it didn't want to start in just a few short hours. The culprit wound up being injectors. I had a size larger installed due to needing them for a hot program in the computer. The starting issue went away and has not came up again. I am certain that sizing them up was not the cure, just the fact that none of them are leaking back while parked and cooled down. I hope that this helps. I'd be willing to bet that you have one injector that is leaking back after cool down but not bad enough to run poorly. As to the vapor issue in the tanks. I know nothing. Good luck
  16. Thanks for the thoughts guys. It is in a 99 truck so it is either a 98 or 99 engine. I just dropped it off at the veterinarian today for the cam job so I would have to wait 'til I get it back to be sure which. Have any of you tried the add on computer? The name of it escapes me right now but I believe it starts with a B. Was sort of thinking about trying one, just would have to get feedback from at least a couple of folks that have used it. Most likely it will just get bigger injectors in a few months. At least until I find some users of that add on computer.
  17. Hey guys, I had a couple of friends a few years ago that used to have E Tech 460 engines and the Mack dealer had put in their trucks what they called outback programming as well as bigger injectors. Does anyone know where a person could get one of these high horsepower programmed ecms? These guys used to pull heavy (150,000lb+) loads here in MI and would out pull many of the large 14L engines. I know where to get larger injectors, but can't seem to find a different program or ecm with the high horse program already in it. I have the xt program and have had the bigger injectors in it before. It ran quite well that way. I just was wondering if anyone here knew where to get the hotter program.
  18. Update**************** I made the mistake of sitting in it while getting mileage off the odometer for the last owner yesterday. I have been asked by a couple of you how much I want for it. Here's the answer for the rest of you as well. I am asking $9000 but do have room to work with that. If nobody wants it bad enough to tell me what they feel it is worth to them, then next weekend it will be on the hook headed to the Mack shop to get fixed. (wish I had the time to tear it down myself just too much freight to haul and work on the H.D. list when not hauling freight) With what I have into it right now and the estimated bill for repairs, I will have a good truck for not a lot of money and I really liked this truck when I owned it before. I would be happy to sell it for a reasonable price, or fix and drive it once again. Let me know if any of you are interested. If not, in a couple weeks it will be back up and healthy enough to make me smile (as well as putting some jack back in the bank).
  19. Since Jerry wanted me go out in the cold and sweep it off....... Here are a couple of the pictures. OK three pictures.
  20. I have a 99 ch613 that I am curious to see if there is any interest. It is the one that there have been discussions about here in the engines forum. I want to fix it but think it could be a while before I have time and hate to see the poor girl sit and rust. It has a 460 that had been rebuilt without the cam. Well....... now we are fairly certain it needs a cam and followers. This is a Gold Dog truck. 460, 18sp, and 3.86 mack rears, 50" flattop sleeper. The sleeper has about 8" of space between the front of the bed and the wall of the box. I do not currently have pictures but can get them if there is any interest. Back in the day it was a very nice truck. I am now the second and fourth owner. The Mack shops estimate between 7 and 8 thousand to fix it. I have a lot of paperwork to go with it. I believe I even have the original build sheet, but would have to check. Let me know if any of you are interested and I will either try to figure out how to post pics here or send to you in whatever fashion works best for you. Price is something we can discuss.
  21. PM sent. Let me try to help.
  22. I will. It is going to be a while before I get to this project. Too many others on the list first. I guess that's what happens when you marry someone that comes from an urban setting and thinks farming sounds fun. Then she wants you to do a lot of the work because you been there and done that......... I guess as long as the old FLD and Series 60 keep doing their job, the Puppy can just lay on the porch until it's time to work again. A bit anxious though looking forward to playing Veterinarian, making her work and fart big black clouds once again.
  23. Thanks to everyone for their posts and opinions on this topic.
  24. I understand the downtime and headache issues. But this job (should I accept the challenge) is more about just doing it. I don't need the truck on the road any time soon or I would just pay the bill and make-up for it later in revenue. This is a little more about getting an in-depth understanding of what the actual problem turned out to be, and knowing that I can take care of it again later if need be. Oh, and I guess it will be my Problem now. DKV411 wound up finding another truck yesterday. Now, to my wife's displeasure, I have another big Tonka Toy to play with when I have the time.
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