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Everything posted by WAmackman

  1. Well thanks fellas atleast I know I wasn't dreaming haha. I remember them being chrome on all our ch chassis trucks and I had swore a few rds had what I was talking about I did manage to find one on ebay
  2. Wondering if anyone remembers seeing the outside chrome cover that was badged mack thought I remember seeing the dog on one of them maybe on an old rd or dm.anyone have the part numbers for these or where to get them. Its the outside cover where you shove the plug in to hook it up. Thanks for everyone's time... p.s I may be dreaming maybe it doesn't exist lol
  3. That's a data link error. From what I can see here in australia
  4. Any luck with this. If not ill look for you in the morning when I get to work
  5. Thank you very much
  6. running a trident with ccrs style 460. rr 18spd with spicer diffs 4.30 gear. dragging about 90 ton daily. another 75 horse and she would be perfect. ive read the other threads about bigger injectors and bigger turbos. which i will gladly do but i saw someone mention about tweaking the engine profile . who does this . how can i get it done. is it worth the parts without this so called tweaking.. shes running an s400 around 24 lbs of boost .. dont seem right to me ive seen waste gated trucks sit on the 32 all day.. ive personally pressure tested everything and cant find a single leak any where. before the turbo was replaced i would see 29 psi steady and she went like a shower of shit.... did these retards put the wrong turbo on my truck
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