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Dale Hamilton

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  1. Joe- I don't think there is a pressing urgency- Truck is very happy now in her custom built gararge. Call Dave Brown at 410-546-2041- I don't know any details about compensation.
  2. Thanks Paul- I'll miss her but must concentrate on boat building. SDince I last talked to you Mercury has sent me one of their new hot Vazar 4 cylinder sterndrive units- which I will probably use for all subsequent runabouts. New prototype stretched 11 inches going together now- it may have a second cockpit. Call Dave brown directly at 410-546-2041. Believe me you will love driving this truck. Red wine helping although move to single malt later in the evening
  3. Well she's gone guys- Hi Yo Silver is sold to a chap up in Maryland. Only delivery needs to be arranged from just outside Nashville Tennessee to somewhere up in Maryland. I understand the buyer will pay time and expenses and fly driver home. Contact Dave Brown: d.brown@pascoelectric.com Dale
  4. errr, I plumbed the slippery road switch- although I don't remember the plumbing details. When I flipped it off however, the wheel turned freely. I'll leave the damn thing alone anyway.[ quote name=Rob' date='Sep 17 2007, 06:26 PM' post='14032] That would be a new one on me since that switch reduces or limits air pressure application to the front steer axle brakes when in the slippery selection. When in the dry selection, full reservoir air pressure application is available. I don't really see how that switch could be the root of your described problem unless someone has possibly plumbed the system incorrectly. If you are absolutely positive that switch is the culprit, I would take it back to the mechanic you paid to install it for repair. Rob
  5. Damn! It was the slippery/dry road switch somebody had inadvertantly thrown. I drove it at interstate speed for a few miles with it on. Thats what caused the problem. Descovered that just before taking the wheel off, Ok when everything cooled off.
  6. Today after a short run home from the shop I see alot of smoke pouring out of left front brake drum. I haven't got into it yet, but assume brake shoe(s) did not full release, perhaps a return spring broken or air cylindar stuck. Anyway, it it generally ok to rough up the shoes and reuse them or having been heated to smoking- they have to be replaced? Assume replace the faulty cylinder .Any help appreciated many thanks.
  7. www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid69/p6926119af72baee0dfa76c92eaff448c/fbac876c.jpg Maybe like this guys?
  8. wow- Thanks Midnight- just waht I needed.
  9. Those 8 or 10 inch stainless valve extnsions to use on an inner tandem wheel. Neeo one. I saw them at carquest- buy they wanted $42.00. Anybody got an extra? dale.hamilton@med.va.gov
  10. an AIR RAID SIREN? damn, glad I don't live next door to you.
  11. B61fan- As far as changing out the old Dayton wheels, I found the best (and cheapest) solution was to use Eagle Flight Simulators over the Daytons. You might want to change out the old split rims- as very few shops will mess with them. The simulators look just like buds but are very easy to clean and will never dull. The wiring harness being toast is a blessing. You dont want it anyway. Start with a "Painless" or an "Enos" breakerbox already pre-wired with the correct sized labeled wires for everything you might add on to the system. Therse are really beautiful simple ways to re-wire and you will get rid of electrical gremblins forever. Dale
  12. on a floppy disc- excellent quality. Trouble is, I can't open it up any more. I keep getting "needs to be formated". Whats this all about? Can you handle it if I send the floppy> Dale
  13. What a pleasure to dial up the site and see your B model staring back at you. Appreciate all the fine compliments and had a good time at the Cookville show- in spite of the rain. We were up in the RV, genset going, watching Humphrey Bogart in African Queen. Not bad. Wife announced she wanted to bake a chicken- and asked if the oven worked. Well sure I says- when actually I never had it turned on. Anyway did just fine. Always good to talk to the old time truckers you meet at these kind of shows- truely the last American cowboys.
  14. Did both. Wrapped about 12' of header tape around the turbo connector, and then because the whole assembly was less than 1 inch from the steel floorboard, I bonded a 12x12 ceramic tile to the steel floorboard. What the heck- this is how they do it on the space shuttle. Use plenty of epoxy glue, make sure your surfaces are very clean, and clamp 24 hrs. Then I bonded anout 200 pounds of marine lead foam to all interior cab surfaces. Pretty quiet, pretty cool.
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