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Everything posted by mackrmodel686st

  1. We checked that for corrosion, didn't see any oil. I've seen on the older trucks with the vmac iii engines that the coolant level sensor will push coolant, but not oil.
  2. We tried that already, problem still the same.
  3. I posted over a week ago and got no responses, so I'll try again. 2015 mack pinnacle with the mp7 engine. When the key is turned to the run position nothing happens, when turned to the start position the dash turns on like the key is in the run position. When you let off the key everything turns back off. Thought that maybe the key switch was bad so we replaced it but still have the same problem. Has anyone run into this problem and could someone possibly point me in a direction to start looking. Thanks.
  4. Here's a weird one. Have a 2015 mack pinnacle with the mp7 engine. Turning the key to the run position does nothing, when turned to the start position everything turns on like it's in the on position but won't start. When you let off the key everything turns back off. Replaced the key switch thinking that was the problem, does the same thing. Turning the key to the accessory position does nothing. Has anyone run across this problem? Thanks in advance.
  5. Truck just got a new motor, the old block cracked. Was having the same issue with the old motor. Oil is fine. I'll try the a ground. I'm assuming fuse 40 is for the ecu, correct?
  6. I drive a 2001 cx613 with the E7-427 vmac iii. The truck starts right up in the mornings when cold, but when re starting after it's been warmed up will either have a long crank before restating or no restart at all without starting fluid. The transfer pump has been swapped out a couple times and a check valve was added to the fuel suction line from the tank at the filter housing. No change in the issue. Has anyone had this problem and been able to fix it? Thanks in advance.
  7. That truck had rods and mains done years ago and the jake stopped working immediately after. Oil pressure always seemed on the low side as well but was within tolerance. We were replacing heads and gaskets and decided to try and fix the jakes at the same time.
  8. I would suppose a rag is possible, the pan was off to replace the pump.
  9. The plugs in the rocker shafts are threaded in to the shafts. I've seen what you are talking about, but I think mack did an update to the shafts sometime between 1999 and 2001.
  10. I've got a strange problem with a 2001 vision with the v-mac iii e7-427. The oil pressure drops to under 5 psi at idle if I drive it a few miles. If I shut the truck off and immediately start it back up the oil pressure at idle is about 20 psi. It will stay around 20 psi at idle till I drive it again. Thought maybe the gauge in the dash or the sender was going bad, so we put in a mechanical gauge with a plastic oil line to the filter housing. Both gauges do the same thing. Truck will have about 40 psi going down the road, but drops to under 10 while driving and under 5 at idle. Does anyone have any ideas what is going on? Thanks.
  11. The company I work for just recently bought a replacement engine for one our cx613 mack vision trucks. The new motor is out of a 2002 cu600 mack. Its an E-7 427 v-mac iii. While I was inspecting it I noticed an oil line that come off the oil filter housing and t's off to both jake spacers on the heads. The 2001 truck that we have doesn't have this line on it. Is this mack's fix to make the jakes work with lower oil pressure?
  12. No, hasn't worked in at least 10 years. From what I've been told, it hasn't worked since the rod and main bearings were done years ago. 10 years is as long as I personally know the truck.
  13. It did get a new air to air last year, and the boost hoses look good. I haven't noticed and strange whistles either.
  14. I can have the shop guys look at that. It's easy enough to pull the valve covers.
  15. Like I said, its not excessive smoke. And I don't see how a boost leak would cause low oil pressure unless the turbo was junk. I don't believe that to be the problem as it seams to have decent power. Again, I always feel like nothing ever has enough power. I know a guy with a 379 pete with a fresh overhaul on a c15 cat that rolls way more coal. I realize that's comparing apples to oranges, but my truck smokes about the same as it always has.
  16. Exhaust is black, but doesn't roll huge amounts of coal. Only for a second or 2 when shifting or starting out from a stop. Seams to run fine, might be down on power a little bit, but that could be me never feeling like anything has enough power. It's never had pistons, rings or sleeves replaced either.
  17. Hello everyone, I'm looking for some opinions. I drive a 2001 cx613 with an e-7 427. Its the vmac engine with the unipumps. Very recently the oil pressure started to drop while at highway speeds. It usually runs about 40psi, (which I personally think is on the low side, but was told by a dealer that that is normal) but now is down around 20psi. Its about 10 to 15psi at idle, which it always was. The oil in the pan smells really burnt as well. The mechanics and I are thinking the motor is cooked. Its got around 1.6 million miles on it. The rods and mains were done probably 12 years ago or so. Again, just looking for opinions or confirmations. Thanks.
  18. We replaced #3 all together and o-rings on #6. No change. I'm starting to think its injectors because of the raw fuel smell out the stacks. Don't know how to confirm that without yanking them and sending them out to be inspected.
  19. It doesn't matter if it was just running or been shut off all night, no re-start. The primer pump does nothing, I can pump it all day and it doesn't help anything. Replaced the tranfer pump, no change. Checked fuel lines, no leaks. Now it started dumping fuel into the oil pan. Smells like raw fuel out the stacks when its running. Will put a gallon or more of fuel in the oil in 600 miles.
  20. I drive a 2001 cx613 with an E7-427. The problem I've beem having lately is that it won't start without starting fluid more often than not. I replaced the fuel filters thinking they were dirty but didn't fix the problem. Then I replaced the check valve in the fuel return line on the passanger side of the block. Still not much help. Could the fuel transfer pump be crapping out or should I look elsewhere? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  21. The company I work for has a 1993 ch613 mack with a 400 mack engine. Every 6 months or so a head gasket blows and starts using coolant and overheating. We replace the fire rings when we do the head gaskets but still keeps happening. Does anyone havevany ideas why this keeps happening? Thanks.
  22. I've got a 2000 cx613 vision sleeper truck. Been driving it for a few months now. There is a switch on the side of the drivers side table in the sleeper. The switch is a rocker switch with what looks to be green stickers on both sides of it. The switch doesn't seem to do anything, so I've been wondering what its purpose is. Could anyone give me any info on this switch? I've attached a picture of the switch. Thanks in advance for any help.
  23. I'd say the fan robs more than that. With the a/c running, it feels like I'm driving an r model with the econodyne engine. I'll look into that video tho. Thanks.
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