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Everything posted by NY-B61

  1. Found this iron soldier when I was out today. Anything can be restored if you have the time and money. Or money and time. Other BMT'rs and I often ask "How restorable is it?" about Mack's and other makes of older heavy trucks. I apologize in advance for the picture quality, but I wanted to throw two questions out there and see the education that results from people who would know. The answers might be helpful to both soon-to-be and first-time owners like myself. A.) Is this REO, in the condition shown, worth restoring to plain old, road-driveable condition? B.) What do you think it would cost to put it back in to plain old, road-driveable condition? That's it. No hooks or gimmicks except personal labor doesn't count, because how do you assign a value? What's the cost of a labor of love? Etc., etc. I think it's a fair stipulation. Other than that, the gate's open!
  2. Thanks, Paul! Another interesting piece of trucking history from your well-maintained archives.
  3. Congratulations! You did the right thing and you have a whole new world of mechanical and historical fun in front of you. As to the quad box: it was installed for a reason, seems to function and this is your first Mack. A good friend told me I should wait about six months before making any major changes to my first Mack. See it daily, drive it a little, get used to it. One of the smartest pieces of advice I've been given. At the end of those six months, the ten new tires and front wheel bearings I installed made a lot more sense than the chrome visor, chrome air tank and 2-speed rear winch I dreamed about. Best of all I was completely safe and relaxed. I can't say the same for those passing and giving me the finger on the narrow roads we have around here.
  4. Great pictures, love the detail!
  5. The history lessons, and pictures, are appreciated as always. Interesting to see what people were able to accomplish when there was nobody there to tell them "It can't be done." The picture of the 7.5 tonner is amazing. Wish I'd been there!
  6. Great job and fun to watch your progress!
  7. What would happen to the world economy if oil became worthless as a fuel?
  8. I still think cold fusion is perfected but under wraps. Isn't it amazing that something so potentially beneficial could wreak so much havoc on the world's economy as it stands today.
  9. She sure dressed nicely for the occasion.
  10. With 165 units at last count I think you'd be the exception. Or you could become Administrator of The Front Yard Rule.
  11. Maybe tdozer has bought it by now and is waiting to surprise us.
  12. Isn't that the truth! It should be mandatory that, before taking title to an old Mack, the potential owner be required to park it in his front yard (rural, urban, suburban, townhouse, doesn't matter) for six months and look at it every day. THEN he can have the title.
  13. Thanks for the great pictures!
  14. The discovery of cold fusion is right around the corner but there's a lot of oil to get rid of first. I guess $60 a barrel is better than $5 a barrel for nothing more useful than an industrial lubricant and source of plastic bags.
  15. Paul, I can't tell you how much appreciate your catalogs and posts. Lots of fun and educational reading! And, of course, the all-important pictures.
  16. By the sound of things, I'm afraid it's time for a new computer. Hit those after-Christmas sales and good luck!
  17. Have you tried Malwarebytes Anti-Malware? https://www. malwarebytes.org/ It's the most effective tool I've found to locate, root out and destroy the bad stuff that might be lurking in your computer, and it's free. Another possibility is that the hard drive needs to be defragmented (type in "defrag" without the quotes in the 'search' box) and your system will guide you from there. Your hard drive might also have become corrupted or has errors in it. Defragmentation also helps repair errors or defects in the hard drive. If all that fails, typing ".jpg", ".doc" and ".mov" (all without the quotes) into the search box will bring up only your pictures, movies and documents that you can then load on to a memory stick. Be sure to run Malwarebytes first or you run the risk of transferring whatever nastiness plagues your computer right on to the memory stick along with the pictures, documents and movies. Last but not least, and if you've saved the receipt, take the computer back to where you bought it. Hopefully the store is one of those that has big signs (lit by searchlights) announcing "Satisfaction Guaranteed!", "We love our customers!" , "Our customers are #1!", "The Customer is King!" or other such drivel. You'll find out rather quickly how meaningful those signs actually are and could possibly luck out. Don't hold your breath, though.
  18. Glad to see more old iron being saved!
  19. Buy it, buy it, buy it! And thanks for the pictures!
  20. Indeed they are. I was fortunate enough to catch the gentleman at work in his shop as I was driving by. He's proud of his collection and would probably be more than happy to let you look around the next time you're in the area. He also has a beautiful Diamond T/International pick-up in the garage but, since this is a heavy truck forum, I opted not to take pictures of it.
  21. Buy it! You'll end up putting $10k in to it over time regardless of the absence of PICTURES ( ) but it will be all yours and something you'll be proud to own. Refurbishment doesn't happen over night, nor do the expenses, so pace yourself accordingly. Buy it now if you're serious about owning a Mack. $3k for what you've described is a steal of a deal. Heck, new Hyundai's made of tin foil, spit, plastic and tofu (but with the all important CD player, deluxe floor mats and 7 year lifespan) start at $13k. Your Mack can last you forever.
  22. Thank you. They were fun to photograph and the weather was nice. What more could you ask for other than a Mack?
  23. The owner loves his trucks and it shows!
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