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Everything posted by NY-B61

  1. Couldn't get all the pictures in one post. This one's a daily runner used to haul heavy equipment with the attached lowboy you can't see.
  2. A thoughtful gift indeed! Clean your toenails.
  3. Out and about on the day after Christmas and captured these images. A nice gentleman with "T" in his blood was kind enough to let me photograph his works and works-in-progress. Apologies in advance for the shadows and the missing angles on some of the units. Space was tight in some instances, the sun uncooperative in others. A belated Merry Christmas to my fellow BMT'rs!
  4. Many salvage yards scattered throughout the country. One near me has 10-15 older B Models in varying degrees of decay but all have useable parts. I found the Triplex shift plate I'd been searching for in one of them.
  5. Pictures are what makes the forums go 'round!
  6. What a warrior of a B! Wish I had the cash on hand also. You don't see many-any in that decent a shape. Mark, if you just happen to be in that area and want to take some (more) pictures.....
  7. VERY popular topic, your progress is interesting many people, GREAT pictures and brutish, bad-ass tires! Goes to show just how much someone can accomplish when their heart and mind are into it. Thanks for the continuing updates.
  8. Yes and thanks! Great looking piece of history, too bad my stable is full. What I wouldn't give....
  9. Nice looking Corbitt you hauled back!
  10. What is the red truck in the first set, third picture down, to the left and partially obscured by the door? Great looking project pictures!
  11. True brutes and great pictures with nice lighting. Thanks!
  12. Mrs. Howell caused the distraction. I re-posted the original post by Jeff M. over in the "General Discussion....." section. Listing barge, tipped mixer, hardening concrete, possible mention of pole-dancing Venezuelan 'truck girls'.... Apologies if a problem, the Hydro-Jet might work!
  13. Good point. Firefox as his secondary or primary browser would speed things up a bit.
  14. Direct thievery from Jeff M. on the "General Discussions" forum. Apologies in advance! http://www.pressherald.com/2014/12/11/listing-ferry-makes-it-to-north-haven-after-trucks-on-board-get-knocked-over/
  15. More excellent pics and if you need a hand with posting on youtube, PM me. They make it difficult and the files take a while to transfer from you to youtube.
  16. Great pics, description of the process and your Lion's Club's helpfulness to your neighbors and town!
  17. LOL! And the pictures continue to look great!
  18. No. Different truck by a different side of the road. She's a sweetie though!
  19. Nice!
  20. You're in good company. I bought my B restored but its eventual brother(s) won't be. This thread is a great way to learn as it happens! Now, Is it actually a child on the way or another Mack you're bringing home in the dead of night, hoping it will blend in with the back yard? Congratulations either way!
  21. Magnificent picture! I wish you well on the duplication. The then and now pictures would be awesome.
  22. Nice looking, restorable reefer! Any idea on the year? I couldn't make it out on the data plate.
  23. Because our throw-away, next-new-thing culture demands it. Unfortunately, many of those who care about the extinction of a species only become involved when it's too late. Sure, relatively speaking, there are still plenty of Cruiseliners left - but there won't be, and they were just as much a part of the evolution of trucking history as any model. The world might be a better place, think of the educational opportunities alone, if more people were as fanatical as BMT Members about heavy trucks. Think what different modes of transportation and commerce we might currently experience if more recognized the heritage and innovation that were Mack's contribution to the trucking and transportation industries. Off my soapbox now........
  24. But it's a happy kind of broke. Glad you were able to at least rescue something. The next stop looked like it would involve a five gallon can of gas and a butane lighter.
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