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Everything posted by pmolitor

  1. new turbo = no change.. old one was getting bad. played with aneroid valve. got the vavle working again which is cool to see that ut actually works, but it leaks air. still no power and extremely high egts.
  2. upsidedown of course.
  3. see if this post.
  4. theakerstwo, replaced the pyro first thing this morning. thermo coupler was intact.
  5. superdog, yes. I just got home from tearing all the air ducks off the truck. I think the turbo might be bad. no side to side play, but the shaft moves back and forth a lot. I'm headed to mack first thing in the morning.
  6. no turbo leaks.. how do.I tell if pump is getting weak? or out of time?
  7. I don't think this one has been hot.... my memory isn't all that good anymore:-). I lost my pyro early this summer. new one will be in in the morning. I did figure out the 90 ch with the em6l problem. the fuel filter housings were full of what looked like rags.... cut all my power! cleaned them out on the side of the road one day sfter it died on me. I think that was the one that you remember 84duperdog.
  8. It's new...first thing I thought of also. changed it last week.
  9. my 79 RS with an endt676 seems to be blowing more black smoke than it used to. Doesn't seem to have the power it used to. Doesn't use any oil and not much blow by. just a lot of smoke under hard pulls. I replaced all the injectors last fall. could the pump need overhauled or is there something else I should look for?
  10. I'd drive it just to see the look on the DOT officers face as he walked up to the truck.
  11. thought the clutch spring was reman vulvu replacement part! glad I didn't buy from that guy.
  12. I swapped to bud wheels from Daytons this last fall. I lost 300lbs October payload. That was with steel wheels. With aluminum you would break even on weight.
  13. Some states will give you a 48 hr permit online. I can go to the auctions in MN from iowa with a $10 pemit. IFTA tax is the other permit you might need. Don't remember the regs on that. You will legaly need dot number to cross state lines. Found that out the hard way bringing home a truck I purchased.
  14. Thats what I'm looking for. All the 300s and 350s iv driven seemed to have plenty of power. All were in dumps and aged from 1989 to 2004 R models. Thats why I thought this 275 L might be ok when I bought it.
  15. Would the cams be different? I just reread my old post in engines and trans. I think the L low rpm was what was being missed. I thought about swapping my gears to a set of 4.42s that I have, but that would raise my rpms and take me further out of the engines sweet spot.
  16. I just talked to my buddy whom I slip seated with running lowboy. ... We drove a cl700 with an e7 454 with a mack 18 speed. we can't remember ever dropping speed till we got the cat 330 on it. the truck and lowboy weighed 46000lbs empty! I think I might have been a little spoiled. I think it reved to 2100 rpm.
  17. Thanks oilburner. It'll be even better when I get her all polished up. Logtruckman... It is a mechanical engine. No computer at all. Specs say they made a 300hp and a 350hp version of this low rpm motor. But my mack dealer can't tell me what the difference is. I wouldn't mind if I were in the hills.... But I am in the middle of Iowa. No significant hills.
  18. Correction...1550rpms at 65mph. Just dropped skytrack at jobsite. Loaded with skytrack on 8000 lb trailer. Total weight 54000lbs. Running interstate I was passed on the hills by semis that were loaded. I would drop from 70mph to about 63.
  19. This is the truck.
  20. I'm turning just over 1600 rpm's at 65 miles per hour. the truck is governed at 1725 rpm.
  21. How much power to the ground would be gained from switching to 11r22.5s from11r24.5s. I'm still trying to get my ch to maintain 65mph when loaded at 55000 to 60000lbs. Would like to turn up motor but nobody can tell me how to do that exacly. Motor is an em6275L with eaton 9 speed and mack 4.17 gears.
  22. Could you.just order the hood and taller cab mounts And install them on a ch forward axle? That might get the look you want for a lot less money.
  23. Heck with the flares! Where can I get that truck? That makes mine look like a pos.
  24. Would the steering box work on a set forward axle ch? What transmission?
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