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Everything posted by Eastcoastdiesel

  1. I'm having the hardest time with a my Mack's and a 4-5 vgt voltage code. Making me mad!!
  2. I'd call and check, I personally use rotella triple protection in all my trucks including personal ones. It's pretty dern good
  3. Oh my gee that is one of the most adorable trucks!!! I want to see it in person!! Welcome (I'm late I know)
  4. Oh so lucky with a beautiful view like that! I am jealous!! And I feel like going home lol!! That will suffice for me!
  5. Fwd you are da man. My tenants love me I try to make them comfortable as possible. They are also a very nice couple, with a cute little kid! Slpwalker looks like you had your work cut out for you! I love cleaning my truck, and seeing that glisten. Although these makes dont shine really, unless y'all can tell me how to make water based paint glisten! J I really need some gravel!! My house is a swamp!! I'll help hehe! And bob, I like to play outdoors, if you can keep up c'mon!! I am like a loaded pinball machine! Freight feels like it everyday, although I do get some pretty wierd stuff these steering wheel holders do..... Like fall out of a truck and bend a step, then complain about it.... Eh ok buddy. Just finished work!! hope y'all are goin good
  6. It helps with cleanup when I can just hop in the shower. And where can I get that bra?? What is that double d? I love the trucks And on my days off if I'm not messing with the livestock I am normally on the Couch watching me tv(bonanza is my favorite) It warms up to around 65ish this time of year so like I said, unless I'm working under the truck I tie my shirt up and keep on wrench turning. Kinda like those drivers that are shirtless all. The. Time. Lol Anyhow, can't tie up today, gotta weld landing gear and put in a radiator! I hope y'all's days are gonna go by smooth As silk!
  7. Pics please! If y'all can. I'm playing with an egr cooler right now then off to get horsey feed. It's beautiful outside! Although I'm in my tool room! Hehe This is how I normally work don't you judge lol
  8. Hehe thank you for the comments fellas you make a gal feel good
  9. Naw don't think I will, but in any case , my horse is doing better, I got free cheesecake and my birthday went well! I'm happy
  10. Ouch mike, low blow dude. :/ or are you just itching for me to dig up some more risqué pics to twirl your socks?
  11. Here's me the other day!
  12. Not sure? Y'all all live up north! I can't be drivin up there with diesel the way it is!!
  13. No this is me That pic was payback lol
  14. Cannot unsee Just for that
  15. Do. Not. Want
  16. Sent you a grats!!
  17. He seems like he is doing better, think I'm just gonna let him live out his life, even if he is a ticking time bomb.
  18. I already can't party lolololol too much commitment!
  19. Hahah thank you so much guys! I am having a much happier birthday today! Y'all are making it better
  20. Yea just found out my blind horse is in pain almost 24/7 because he has cancer, you couldn't tell because he ate and did everything like everyone else :/ vet told me to think about euthanasia. Blah!! Sorry guys. I really wanna be here been going through a lot
  21. That 47 is awesome! I really like both of the trucks
  22. Thanks for al the warm welcome backs! I have 2 horses; a Percheron named Thor and a blind Tennessee walker named goblin. If age can't be turned back, maybe we can bottle the energy of little kids and sell it!! I could use some right this minute to be precise! Quiz away! Don't be surprised if I leave greasy finger prints!! All funny aside, I'm happy to be back i need my awesome guys to make me giggle some!
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