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Everything posted by Eastcoastdiesel

  1. Haha Mack palace, full of jesters! But they are are very lovely. Welcome to bmt! Nice to have ya!
  2. Welcome, holler if ya need some insight on cxn613s! You'll like it here.
  3. Nice pics! Very nice old mack leaving our shores. The Amish Buggy is adorable.
  4. I'll be driving off in a bugati veryon pink!!
  5. I like!! Love the eye catching colors!
  6. 4 wheeler : 1986 250r with a 330 kit and a power valve. I have about. 10000 dollars worth mods on it hehe.... The af500 is a service honda 2007 The chevelle is exactly that, 66 chevelle malibu. The c-15 twin turbo is a bane of mine. Not very happy with that engine.....
  7. I really wanna show, got a guy going to let me show his o Lena peppy horses in cutting. Maybe I'll be able to show at my fair this year!
  8. Naw a two wheeler hehe.
  9. I have a 500 2 stroke... And my 4 Wheeler is 2 stroke
  10. I think the slag needs to be ground down into some sort of poisonous powders for our worst enemies cups!!!
  11. dont worry I am not touching that engine lol. It's oil dripping on the earth is satans tears because his engine is so (deleted) haha I like my plethora, got tons more of it but most of them are broken.
  12. No penis here hehe. I'm quite Girly. Always liked dodge diesels. Otherwise, got the two draggers for 9 for both. The pete I got for 2200. the ford was 3 and perfect for work. I also have a 42 foot rv toyhauler the 9k 3500 tows, and a 3 horse trailer with lq. The 2500 is my daily driver got it for 22k . I guess my Irish side does have a temper... Sorry to dissapoin but last time I checked I was a split tail.
  13. Haha I always have a BBQ most every other week! Thanks for the hello!! My name is Katie. Most people call me kit cat because I can rebuild cat motors like a boss. And od, exactly, cept I want slides!! And it to be black and purple fenders!!! So pretty!!
  14. It's quite a dog but I swear it would pull a damn house down. I like it, debating on the color for it.
  15. That is a beautiful truck!!! Can't wait to see him cleaned up!
  16. Got that ford for 3000 dollars with only 240k on the engine... Steal
  17. Thank you guys! I'm in the market for a superliner right now to start on my rv project
  18. Dusty chevelle... Pulled him out to wash him, cleaned the carb and battery charged and started right up... At work will get clean car pics in the next few days after I transport him. My hidden barracuda.... Needs new heads now, but when I raced him I had fun! My diesels.. 2500 and 3500 I rebuilt this Peterbilt from the ground up... Don't kill me!! My work truck... The beast
  19. I want pics!! Welcome to mack! Gonna love it here. Very helpful, and good fun!
  20. Oh ok i give in...'that looks absolutely delicious. Yum yum!! Think a chicken grill is in order!
  21. Awwww he's is adorable!! Makes you a proud daddy dosent it. Makes me want to shower him with love. Congrats
  22. Haha kinda close. Cumminsforum, and had a few dirt bikes and forum
  23. Hehehe y'all are great, love posting here. Unlike my other failed forums!
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