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Everything posted by Eastcoastdiesel

  1. Yea I still love crabbing on the wando bridge. Too bad ya don't live closer. I have a few traps that need manning.
  2. Me a year ago
  3. Hahah ya i am. Don't change much. Just gets a bit darker in the winter.
  4. Who pretends their a racecar driver? I do hehe
  5. Fuel pump, bap sensor, does it have any sort of misfire? Usually fuel pressure does what you are Talking about.
  6. Hehe welcome! It definitely looks fun to do!
  7. I drive and work on them both. Don't usually go very far, and the work is pretty busy. I live in jedburg and my shop is in summerville
  8. Hahahahah I'll mark the calendar! I'll make sure to wear clothes too, they are so overrated.
  9. Well I wanna meet a good majority of y'all!! Tell me when and where and I'll try to be there. Diesel permitting
  10. People don't scare me, personalities do. Y'all seem like pretty cool people so i wouldnt mind visiting. Where do y'all have the shows?
  11. Your welcome. I look pretty rough, but riding with the window down does that to you.
  12. Had to write it in motor oil and an oil part box. No pen out on the road hehe It says I <3 y'all...
  13. Y'all are awesome! I'll take a pic saying thank y'all when I go to work today such sweet people!
  14. Holy crap.... Yea.... Not a good phrase haha. Thats what Get when I type and put in a tensioner at the same time
  15. I am trying, not pleasing anyone but myself as I drive. Take more pics I barely get out of sc
  16. South Carolina huh?? Watch out for those rabid wimmin drivers.
  17. I like cabovers to work on. Anyhow, congrats on the class a!! I got ridiculed for being a woman an taking the test... Lol. Love the pics.
  18. Oh bleck bleck bleck!! (peircing ;() Definitely the hair in the creeper is very familiar. Have a Mack and a mopar hat, to help most of the times anyway. Hehe.
  19. So after a little bit of pushing, I got out of it. And they settled on some mundane stuff. Thank goodness, it hurts to see them actually make the split, but at the same time I think it's better. Every time I went over they were argueing about something. Decided to fall in part time with the company I contract for, to drive some local loads and regional transfers. To keep my sanity hehe. Kind of on a need basis. Then maybe go full time mechanic again and spend some time on the back of my horse and dirtbike in the middle of the fall. Thank ya guys, y'all have made me feel much better!!
  20. Ouch!! Put a compress and take some pain relievers!
  21. That would sell with my 88 that's for sure haha
  22. I had a 1997 never really failed me on anything. Passed everything but a gas station
  23. Good news, tell him that I said may he live many many years forward!!
  24. Parents :/ ESP today
  25. One word, and I am stuck in the middle of it and its not mine...... Divorce.....
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