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Everything posted by harrybarbon

  1. I have been going thru thru the ATHS 2023 Reno show book and notice that Frank Thomas is the listed as the owner of Dan's Macks and his Coors KW. Dan has not posted any comments for some time. Is Dan ok, anyone know?
  2. Germany knew that the UK was in economic decline before WW 1, so after WW 1 the UK was in a far worse economic state. The 1930's depression further deteriorated the poor economic state. It is very probable that these gold reserves came from Australia following the 1850's gold rush and later from Sth Africa. Spain took gold from its Sth American and Mexico countries it controlled. Italy was an allied country during WW 1 and the northern part of Italy was a major battle ground between the allies and Germany/Austria. After WW 1 the US govt and companies invested substantial capital in Italy and American tourism started in Italy because the troops and US command liked Italy and what it offered, great food, weather, friendly people etc. Mussolini was liked by the US govt, he brought order to the country. This bromance between the US and Italy upset Churchill and his govt because they without justification expected that post WW 1 the US would invest in the UK instead of Italy. Churchill hated the Italians. Churchill began a mission to undermine Mussolini, running the theme that he was a dangerous dictator, with the US govt and President. Joe Kennedy was the the US ambassador to the UK and Churchill's conduit to the President. Eventually Churchill's mission using Kennedy succeeded, Kennedy received a multi generation licence and royalty from Churchill for his bidding on behalf of Churchill, for all UK whiskey exported to the US, a fee per case exported. This royalty continues today and is a major income source for the Kennedy family. Without US support in 1940, the UK would have been overrun by Germany. The US turned against Italy, reluctantly by many US govt people and the military. The Italian economy was doing very well post the depression. An example of this was Italy's motor vehicle manufacture and many industrial developments, including a jet engine research and prototype. Mussolini and his govt were stumped by the US decision to place sanctions on Italy. The US would have no military connection with Italy, no navy bases in the Mediterranean etc. This was a critical strategic mistake by the US. It was the opportunity that Hitler was handed on a plate, he immediately struck a deal with Italy and his ships now had the best Mediterranean ports to launch his progressive war plans, particularly into Nth Africa. The US later realised and regretted that it had made a huge error to accept Churchill's personal vendetta on Italy. Had the US rejected Churchill's plans against Italy, the US would have been able to control Italy, the Mediterranean and Italy would not have fallen under the control of Germany. The Italians always wanted to be with the US, its ally in WW 1. Fortunately Italy surrendered in September 1943. Churchill wanted to bomb the shit out of Italy, starting from the Nth and backing up from the STH. The US rejected Churchill's plans outright, the US took control of the Italian campaign and prohibited the bombing of all Italian cultural heritage. Churchill was derailed, he would not destroy Italy as he planned. The US knew the value of what Italy had in every possible way, so rightly the US panned and did save Italy from a UK destruction. All of Italy were happy the US saved the country, it was back to WW 1 and past strong relationship. Churchill hated the US for its protection of Italy. Can anyone imagine the devastation of Italy's 2000 yrs of cultural heritage if Churchill's military plans prevailed????? Think of Venice being destroyed. The US reclaimed its Italian connections and this has continued to today. Today the US has extensive military presence in Italy. In 1980 at the US base in Sicily the US had a nuclear armaments, ready for engagement. Close to Naples, the US has a huge military base under the mountains. It is on a care and maintenance program that can be activated quickly. Imagine what could have been had the US kept Italy under it's control instead of allowing Germany to gain control? The US wrongly allowed itself to follow the UK into Iraq. Churchill created Iraq, as a new country post WW 2. Subsequently we know what has erupted in Iraq. The UK agreed with the Jews after WW 1 to establish Israel around 1922 in the territory that is now Israel, but the UK (Churchill was involved) did not honour what it promised the Jews. The Jews were determined to have their country and lands back because they never gave up their ownership of their lands. My history teacher, Professor Geoffrey Blainey, said and taught us that we too often fail in our actions because we continually ignore the lessons of history.
  3. The SWISS, international concrete and cement giant Holcim in Australia not long ago was given to trial or bought an electric concrete mixer truck with the barrel mounted. I did not get the name of the truck make. It was a twin steer and tandem drive. Loaded with concrete to the allowed legal gross weight - net concrete loaded was 4.2 cubic metres. All the same diesel engine mixer trucks, twin steer and tandem drive, carry up 7.8 metres legally. Nearly a half load less!!!!!! It did ONE load and was never seen at any concrete plant thereafter. There was no information about how it actually performed delivering the concrete to site or how much battery power was used.
  4. Anyone remember these magnificent Macks?
  5. Is it the 864 V8? Magnificent opportunity to build this unique Mack. Later model L cab with the 3 door hinges. congratulations. 👌
  6. Last Saturday I read about this minor example of waste here by the Australian govt and public service. The money paid is "confidential"!!!!! Naturally. They appointed a private consulting company to do an Australia wide survey of the effects of climate change on surfers - the people that go into the sea and ride waves for fun - not the people that surf the internet. Naturally the surfers said that climate change has affected the waves and that has affected the surfers. But our hospitals are cutting corners for their delivery of services because funding have been reduced whilst our population is growing fast because of too high MIGRATION.
  7. My early years was in a small town named Robinvale Victoria. The phone system was via the town's central switch board. Picked up the hand unit and rotated the dial and waited to speak to the operator, we asked to be put thru to whoever and wherever, once connected we spoke to the people we called. The operator listened to all the calls, always a woman so she and heard knew everything that was spoken. Today Big Brothers (????) are doing the same and recording all our talks, permanently logged. Interesting what was old is now new but more technical and permanent.
  8. Hi Brocky It is a 100% USA made milk shake appliance. Sorry you cannot zoom into the brass plate at the front of the picture, it has voltage @ 230V which I recognise is your USA power voltage for appliances. Here in Australia it is 240V and all our appliance have the 240V label. Cheers
  9. These are the air horns about 1949 vintage that were on my dad's Fiat truck. FIT was Fabbrica Italiana Torino - Italian Factory Torino, Italy part of the Fiat company. I thought they were Fiamm but appears that Fiat made their own air horns. There is a name on the joining brackets but too hard to read. The tubes are brass metal and the base of the tubes is cast brass. The red paint inside the tubes is original. I will restore the horns keeping patina as is possible and get the joining brackets re-chromed. Maybe I will be able to find the bracket name. 🤞
  10. How about a real yummy malted milk shake, any flavour, chocolate, vanilla, blue heaven, caramel, strawberry, mint, raspberry, etc? I recently bought this at a closing down antiques warehouse, a genuine original GE Ritter 1950's USA made milk shake mixer. Chrome is a little bit flaky around the bottom lip of the cast iron base, otherwise the rest is like new. The cast base is 1/2 inch thick and the whole appliance is heavy. It is a pleasure and honour to see an example of what the USA made and to now own one. With it came 2 1950's original USA made thick ribbed glasses and 1 alloy mixer container to make the shake. It was in the dusty old warehouse for more than 7 years. I cleaned and polished it. It works fine and now looks like it came of the box today. Getting a malted milk and burger with the lot at a favourite truck roadhouse was a decent meal to keep on driving. It came out of a milk bar shop many years ago. This is a real USA quality made appliance, not the s..t coming from .... - MAGA 👍
  11. Hi Tom, here is my dad's Inter jack, circa 1965, original and working 👌Maybe the girls need a lift or 2 or 3!!!
  12. It is a White Road Boss, I dont know what engine was in it. Photo taken November 2018. I also notice hidden in front was an E9, does not look complete. But seems ready to slip into the orange C model. I will call the guy next week and ask if the E9 and truck are still there in his shed. Maybe waiting for me to go pick them up. 🤔🤞🤞🙏
  13. The emblem and radiator cap is the same as on the B75 series. If I had the $'s I would love to get a C model, custom build it - stretch the hood a little, fit an E9, 12 spd box and maybe find the old style Mercury polished alloy sleeper. I have my eyes on this C model 🤞
  14. Congratulations, now you need a trailer for the Inter to go to the shows this summer. Tom is it a sleeper with 1 or 2 bunks or 1 snug bunk 🤔👫
  15. It is the top middle video Kerry Packer interview, short video from early 1990's. Sums up exactly what has been happening in USA - the auditing and questioning is long overdue. The tax offices audit and question our affairs and the penalties are substantial, so there is zero justification for the bludgers to have their work questioned and audited and they should incur the same substantial penalties, that seems very fair and reasonable!!!!
  16. This is PURE GOLD
  17. " I have tried to live ... showing that love" - VERBAL DIARRHEA and oxygen thieves. We have far tooooo many here in Aussie land. One former premier around 2000, put on 25,000 new state bludgers in 6 months and the numbers have ballooned ever since. I was informed many years ago that it cost about $Aussie 200,000 to employ each of these bludgers - salary, on costs, office accommodation (only the best), cost of multiple supervising managers and senior managers, computers, training, stress and all other benefits etc. etc. etc... Our recent now departed premier had more than 200 bludgers in his premiers staff office, normally 10 is more than required. Most of these were on salaries of $100,000 +++. One of my daughters close friend was an advisor on staff govt payroll to a state govt member. 12 months ago she took a 1 year sabbatical, ON FULL PAY, because the job was demanding and she was lost ... She has no children and was living with her boyfriend at mum's house. I asked her what she was advising the govt minister about and what was her grounds for any such advise. She could not give me a sensible explanation. Her mother is a federal woke pollie (knows every trick to use and officially abuse the union funds and public purse). We cannot progress with this permanent raping of the genuine public - our money is their money to spend as they wish.
  18. Maybe if sustainable - charge them with treason. What other legitimate legal reason have they and those who bring these legal proceedings to the courts to block what proper democratic societies should function. Judges are appointed to implement and uphold the law. The law is to protect the assets and money that belongs to the people, at local, state and federal government levels. How can those that create these legal proceedings be acting in the best moral and legal rights for the people of the USA? These people fail to recognise that the assets and monies AND THE MASSIVE DEBT ARE OWNED BY THE PEOPLE.
  19. We have the same wrong but deliberate thinking and conduct by the public servants and elected members. I was told about 18 months ago that the new railway tunnel being built in Melbourne, substantially blown out costs, that the tunnels are narrow and the majority of the railway cars cannot not travel through the tunnels at the required speed otherwise the cars will scrap the walls. This became public around November 2024. About 6 trains will fit, so most of the trains cannot travel through these tunnels. And who is accountable. On top of this the current state govt has commended a ring railway that has no support by the transport specialists and it does not stack up financially. Who is responsible for these massive f... ups. We are copping huge taxes and new taxes are being invented non stop. All the public servants and elected govt people can do is create new taxes. Taxes always kill economic activity and growth. They never accept responsibility or take action for their massive waste and deception. We the common people would be bankrupted and even charged with deception for a minimum of what they have and continue to do against us.
  20. My dad's 6 cyl diesel Fiat around 1952 Melbourne Australia. I think it was about 1950 model. The steel tanks sitting on the trailer were for carting bulk wine grapes to the winery. His Fiat was originally a rigid single drive, the frame was shortened and 30 foot McGrath trailer (hardwood floor) hooked up, the turn table was bolted to the trailer. Very few trailers were quick release in Australia. It had full air brakes, used little fuel, but was slow for a trailer tow. I have the undamaged Fiamm original twin air horns from this Fiat truck. I am thinking of fitting them on my Mack Valueliner, but under the hood whilst retaining the Mack air horns sitting on the cab roof. They sound amazing, a sharp tune, just like you may have heard in Italian movies. Giovanni Barbon next to Fiat truck.PDF
  21. Notice the steering was on the right side, about up to early 1970's. Reason was for driver safety particularly for head on collisions.
  22. A couple more from down under 😎
  23. Hi Vlad, I like the twin air horns, are they original US horns or European made horns?
  24. For Australia it was planned deliberately by certain left leaning union leaders and politicians back in the 1960's trained by certain players in the UK (which was going hard left fast since 1950's) to undermine many industries, steel etc and the good hard working people that worked in the various industries. Many were post WW2 European migrants like the family of my best friend, who worked in the furnaces at BHP in Woolongong. Australia manufactured some of the best steel in the world. These traitors played the hand of the new left govt in 1972, they conned and bluffed the working people by doubling the wages, inflation exploded and that was the start of the end of our steel mills, associated industries and many other industries. Real wages went backwards. Investment in new facilities could not be justified, naturally, and eventually the local operations closed. The traitor plans worked to a T, all the direct and indirect jobs disappeared overseas to the countries of their plans. We did get a little recovery via recycling of old steel, but it was little compensation for the loss of a magnificent local industry. The left elites, economists etc were so clever to justify the changes that caused the real workers to suffer - best use and allocation of labour and resources, in other words to cheap labour countries of their plans. All our established industry, technical schools, trade knowledge, skills etc evaporated in no time, gone forever. Once gone, then we are importing what is given to us. The quality is not the same. Recently imported steel used in a roof span in a new building collapsed because of poor steel. During the 1970's Italy trading with Russia, bought Russian steel for the Italian auto industry. The cars rotted within 12 months and less.
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