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Everything posted by harrybarbon

  1. Sad news of 1 dead and 1 critical. How could he be holding and firing a live loaded gun on a film set in 2021, with all the industry safety procedures? I read he is the producer, so he is in ultimate control and should be accountable! He ridiculed the President with joy for what, 3 years weekly on TV, what will be said of Baldwin now? Where does the buck stop here?
  2. Now that we are in politically correct times, there was a time back that our fairer gender was referred to as a cow. It seems that Billy boy is thinking of his golden times now that he is "free" as they say from the big "M"!!! And maybe if we were or are locked up with a "cow" in a comfy garage, I am not convinced that the cow would be emitting much pollution - what do you think? And maybe Billy boy has spent so much time with computer machines he may have forgotten how to tell the difference between a ... and a machine 🤣
  3. Matt Is your radiator bolted to the trolley? 🤔
  4. Is Fauci getting much media exposure presently over there in USA? Around Feb or March this year, in our weekend Melbourne Age newspaper in the separate "Weekender" magazine there was feature story about Fauci, his history, rise to the top job and how fantastic a job he was doing, all positive glory. It was hero status stuff. After that glowing story, our Australian Newspaper published a major damning article about him about 3 months ago, detailing information of his supposed connection and US funding contributions to the Wuhan lab on viruses. Since then there has not been 1 mention of Fauci, as if he has gone AWOL! We never hear his name mentioned in any of the news stories! Whereas before the Australian article, Fauci's name was reported maybe weekly to do with the Covid medical updates.
  5. Yes Orville did make the sleeper cabs for all the Eastern US truck manufacturers, by modifying the new bare metal day cabs. which the manufacturers sent to Orville plus new panels and parts as required. Orville did the complete extension and painted the bare cabs, the painted cabs were then sent back to the manufacturer for completion. I have copies of Orville original factory pictures and hand written notes, by one of the ex serviceman who worked at Orville after WW2, of how they extended the cabs. Problem is that I cannot post attachments, I have asked what I can do but no answers.
  6. Hi Paul thank you for the video, especially during our 🔒 here in the wonderful state of Victoria 😆 All the best with the remaining repairs and then the trip home to Kerang. Please is there a hole in the bonnet/hood nest the Doggie for access to the radiator? Enjoy the rest of your passion for this unique livestock trailer. Harry
  7. That is something 👌
  8. Any knowledge of motor in it, appears to be diesel! Maybe not original as back then it may have been V8 petrol or gas or 6 cyl Inter motors with the Inter 5 spd box and 2 speed rear diff Stunning truck, I notice it has the later indicator turning lights, they were on the later comfo vision cabs, yet this is the older Inter sleeper cab with the 2 split windows (built by the Orville cab company for Inter) and the earlier style door handles, so wondering if the cab is a retro fit or just the later indicator lights fitted?
  9. Is it in hibernation? Do you know what motor and gearbox it has?
  10. Hi Matt I have tried to post a picture of our under dash Vintage air unit, but cant post it. I see you have the original heater unit/box under the dash, so I think that with the original heater box and the fire wall, it is unlikely the Vintage Air unit will fit in the space you have. You can check the Vintage Air web page to see what air con units they have, good luck and it's looking fantastic.
  11. Hi Matt You mention air conditioning. We fitted Vintage air, mounts under the dash and excellent cooling and heating, especially with the lizard skin. I will try posting some pictures as I have not been able to post like a number of the guys on here.
  12. Alan Jones, a true Aussie, does not mince his words.
  13. good looking cab over. New KW cab overs here in Aus have some of the external features copied
  14. Matt will it be a single or tandem drive
  15. could it have been used to go into Nth Africa or Turkey, I recall seeing many tandem cab overs that did those trips, some maybe posted here?
  16. we installed the Vintage air Mark 1V unit which is very powerful and fits up by the firewall and no problems for passenger legs/feet. try and see what they have, Tylden heritage has fitted at least 5 units now and you only have the truck cab, will cool really well. and no external fittings.
  17. Spot on 👍 Matt are those air hoses close to the firewall? If yes what air con unit are you fitting?
  18. I have looked closely at the picture of his fall climbing the stairs and how he landed on the stairs and grabbed the right side hand rail. A fit healthy man, even at 78, without a shoulder bag should be able to climb aircraft stairs easily and not have to hold the hand rail, he would not have fallen and landed as Biden did in the picture. A fit man would have controlled his fall and he could have grabbed the left side rail to balance his mis-step and stop his fall onto the steps. I don't see this here, which for me indicates he may not have been in control of his balance. Maybe he had a dizzie spell/black out!!! He was lucky that he did not fall backwards. What if it he fell as he descended the steps, he would have gone head first!!! All leaders, irrespective of age, male or female, must be healthy and fit to hold their public office. If he was to be tested for a truck driving licence medical would he pass the test with flying result??? And consider, Airforce One has the red carpet on the stairs that makes it easier to go up or down. All commercial aircraft stairs are uncovered aluminium steps, that with constant usage the metal becomes smooth, yet I have never seen any passenger with a shoulder bag fall going up or down the stairs, over 45 years of air travel, wet, windy and dry conditions.
  19. Hi Matt Your comments re the 220 exhaust manifold and exhaust stack frame you plan fitting. We have our 6 inch twin exhaust stacks attached to the side of our cab, with the flexible stainless steel sections under the cab. The LS sound and heat works excellently, we have no resonance or vibration, and I can hear the radio and CD's music very clearly, with the windows closed. The real joy is hearing the motor humming with the turbo whistling when driving with the window down, "music", I think the LS deadening effects eliminates or absorbs all cab, door metal and engine hood resonance, so that only the engine sound thru the exhaust is what we hear. We also put the LS sound on underside of the inner and outer guards and the V shaped infill panel between the guards and hood, this has significantly reduced road noise from the front wheels and vibrations and resonance from engine bay. Your cab looks magnificent, compliments to your passion and attention to detail. The red colour is perfect.
  20. from far away here in Aussie land it seems to me that if his fall is real, he may be hurt and he is having trouble, is it possible that history is progressing faster than the team had anticipated and possibly soon you guys will have the FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT??? Or could it be a fake fall and then ... never discount any possibility!!!
  21. Alex I have the same brass plaque, they are rare pieces it seems. Mine was dull and near black with grime, I have done a gentle clean and now looks similar to your plaque. I tried to polish the back side a bit harder to experiment to see how bright the brass may polish to. It did not/would not come up very bright, so I think it may be the quality of the brass made at that time. I cleaned all the grime from mine and it still has the old patina look. I have thought about giving it a clear coat but decided to leave original, been 1 year now and no change in the patina, has not dulled at all.
  22. Agreed Vlad, excellent observation, if the tyres blew but zero damage to the guard, the guard flaps and the metal frame , so maybe the rim damage cut the tyres, the driver pulled up and removed the tyres before any damage or is it made up to get our minds thinking what could have happened!!!
  23. me, I'm thinking all to do with "climate change", rising temperatures, they are doing their bit to reduce CO2 emissions, therefore NATURAL VENTILATION
  24. have a look at the facebook AHTS and the buyer has the Pete in his shed, washed up and more pictures, since my last post
  25. The Pete looks like the Pete that was on the AHTS Facebook page recently. If yes it is a 1960 special order and 1 of the last built, it was built from factory left over parts, I think motor is 250 Cummins and 5 X 4 transmission. Facebook comments was that a deceased estate, when alive the owner wanted $40,000 and the buyer at auction said he got it for under half the $40,000 asking figure. Comment was that new owner will restore to original. Motor not running.
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