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Everything posted by harrybarbon

  1. May I add a light heart comment to the mix, Malatesta is an Italian surname, not uncommon, and the translation is something like Sickhead, (please that it is an "S") Sorehead or Headache, being Mala is Sick/Sore and Testa is head. I student at my primary school was Tony Malatesta.
  2. AZB, the guy who invented the Lizard skin, Bob Call, was from Arizona. I spoke to Bob a number of times to get to understand the product, real friendly and happy to talk about his history building hot rods from age 13 and he said that insulation was the only area of vehicle development that had not really progressed. That was his motive to find a better way and he found it from the space shuttle. Bob told me he bought up to 100 new fry pans for the annual national hot rod show. He performed the fry pan test throughout the show for 7 days. He would paint a thin cover of LS onto the fry pan inside base, allow it to dry, which it did quickly, then he turned on the electric power and let the pan heat to maximum temp. Bob would then place his hand flat on the inside of the fry pan base, just like the story in the bible. And no heat on the base. He said people thought he was faking it, so he got them to test the fry pans and then do their own hand tests and they were convinced of the LS. When we first got the LS we did the same test as Bob, to test Bob's product for ourselves, but with 1 step in between, we painted all of the pan inside, bottom and sides with the LS. Left the LS to dry about 45 minutes. Then we added water about half full in the pan and left the fry pan heating for nearly 1 hour at full temp, with the lid on, the water remained cool, never heated. So then we removed the water, let the pan heat for 30 minutes on full heat, then did the hand palm test and no heat came through the LS. Yes you are correct, once applied it stays on for ever. We have applied all the undersides of our B 75, including the underside of the aluminium hood. Tapping the hood and doors with knuckles, it sounds like tapping fiberglass. And great for under/inside the fenders to absorb/reduce road noise, the stones don't chip the LS on the inside of the fenders.
  3. Have you considered Sound control and lizard skin instead of the dynamate? And they are also excellent for the inside of the doors, especially on inside of lower door for rust. Both SC and LS fill all the joints and voids to form a permanent and flexible seal. And you apply to the underside of your hood and fenders to reduce road noise
  4. Excellent idea as I have noted to you re the Lizard skin. Don't forget after all metal is primed, clean to remove any oil or similar on primed metal, then first apply the sound control and then apply the lizard skin. Both products are made by the LS company. And make sure you spray both products into all the corners, tubes, weld joints etc, because the 2 products will result in a 100% sealing of all the joints to prevent moisture getting in and through - the other stick on type products are not designed to do what LS does - and do both sides of the cab floor and the fire wall.
  5. When I have bought parts from USA, I have asked supplier to forward by US mail and it has been very reasonable and quick - 3 days. When the supplier has shipped via UPS - open the cheque book. So maybe consider Aust post to send to USA, I think it would be lot cheaper than UPS An R model hood would be expensive to ship, because it would have to go into a shipping container, although depending where the container has to go, we ship 1000's of empty containers out of Aust to rest of the world, heard a box to China was around $50 Aus
  6. There is a company here in Aus that makes fiberglass r - model, superliner 1 & 2 and Aus Valueliner fender flares - $Aus 300 plus delivery for the pair and includes rubbers and stainless steel fasteners,
  7. as you can see they were stopped on side of road, as they drove off - it was symphony played on an organ with 2 TUBES and 18 keys
  8. Aussie Valueliner - Mack V8 - E9/500 possibly 1988, straight pipes, picture taken Sept 2018, Dalby Queensland, returning home to Brisbane after delivering heavy load in central Queensland
  9. Aluminium Bull bars designed to wrap around the shape of our Aussie Mack Valueliners
  10. An update, I checked the web site www.hars.org.au and found this is the museum located at Albion Park 1 hour south of Sydney, it was and continues to be the owner of the Connie and yes it continues to fly. John Travolta has donated his 707 to HARS. Interesting site for aircraft followers to do some reading
  11. We visited Longreach, Queensland, 2015, there is the amphibious biplane, the Qantas 707 that was converted to a private jet, used by Michael Jackson and other entertainers used, the interior remains as converted for private use, all dark wood and various rooms, very basic - it was sitting at an airfield in England for many years wasting away and a group of former and then current Qantas pilots and engineers worked for more than 6 months to get it air worthy for flight to Australia, it flew from UK to Canada across USA and John Travolta flew his Qantas 707 side by side on the flight to LA, then it flew to Sydney and later to Longreach where it remains today. The Qantas 747 - 200 remains exactly as it was retired as a complete passenger jet, nothing has been altered nor removed, it's flight to Longreach required precise planning for fuel load and weather conditions for the flight because the short runway, every foot of the runway was used for it's final flight. The other plane is a DC3 and it has no seats because it's interior was converted for freight work. There was a Qantas Super Connie that was based I recall at the Richmond air base out of Sydney or the outer Brisbane air base, which was restored by a group of Qantas pilots and engineers some time before 2007, this Connie was at the 2007 Avalon Australia air show, I went into this Connie at the 2007 show and spoke to Qantas pilots and engineers who operated this Connie. There is no information where this Connie is today, maybe the foundation that owned it has sold it and now it is no longer in Australia. It had the flying kangaroo on the rudders and inside it was fitted out with the Qantas livery, all seats and catering equipment, complete as original. 41 Chevy do you know any information of where this Connie may be located today? And there is a salvaged Connie (from Manila) that is being restored at Longreach, there is no information to indicate that this Connie will be a flying aircraft. None of the Longreach aircraft have flown since they were taken/flown to Longreach.
  12. Sound experienced advice about E-9 engines and set up is hard to come by, worth serious consideration, I have been talking to an experienced Mack guy, he has a long history and his advice is same as Kscarbel2 - he also says that E-9's should be run as set up at the factory and cared for properly as well - then you get a long happy use
  13. Ian Lee is excellent and very fair man, I recommend his repo badges etc, I have seen his guys working on the bagdes and the chrome guy is also good, the chrome guy redid our post behind the cab to hang the air lines and trailer lights socket - he copper plates the parts before chroming, the chrome lasts unlike many cheap poor quality chromers
  14. I have posted here on other stories - go for the lizard skin, can't go wrong, we have used it extensively and Tylden Heritage here in Aus applies it now to all it's restorations. It is very easy to apply, water based so no toxic issues, will seal all joints and it is thick as a credit card. Properly applied to all the joints will give you 100% seal and no moisture/water will leak into the cabin. Apply it to 100% of all unseen internal panels, under the floor, under the roof, inside the doors and at bottom of inside the doors (but leave holes open for drainage) and under the fenders. You will be surprised of the dense sound of the doors after the lizard skin is applied. Also do the engine side of the fire wall, it will reduce heat penetration in cab and sound as well. Lizard also make the sound control which is an extra for sound control. If you only have truck for restoration and casual driving then Lizard skin in sufficient.
  15. we had a 1965 model B615 with the 864 V-8 motor, right hand steering for Australia, it was an original Mack build spec, it had the sheppard integrated power steering unit, the steering box was at the rear of the motor. Have a look at the attached picture. The steering box could be mounted on the left side and if you look at our frame you will see the hole opposite right side the steering box that was factory hole ready to mount the power steering box on the left side maybe try find someone who has old B615's which possibly have the same sheppard power steering as our B615. and the steering was real easy to turn
  16. Please does any member know if there are any toy bulldogs, that have the eyes light up with LED lights that can be bought. I have searched on ebay there are several toy bulldogs but none appear to have eyes with lights. Mack accessories do not have any doggies listed. Thank you.
  17. My daughter is traveling on a bus from N York to Pennsylvania summer camp to do her second year as a group leader, after camp last year she told me that there were strict rules of behaviour for all students attending 7 to 16/17 years AND all the staff, there are about 800 students at her camp and 200 staff, the girls and boys have their separate dormitories, the group leaders are supervising their allocated groups from 7 am to 11 pm and there were no problems - camp for the students was 8 weeks. The rules don't change and many parents have their children attending every year from age 7 to 16, because they are confident of the safety and secure about the behaviour My son did scouts for 3 years and there was none of that nonsense at the jamborees, the rules were made known to all, and the leaders did their jobs The rules have worked for many many years, why change - to create division and invite problems?
  18. I know I am repeating what I have written but hard experience lesson - make sure you put the flex additive into the paint and hyfill etc, otherwise in all the hidden areas no need to paint over, but if say you want to get some colour into the lizard skin I think the current product is a lighter grey, you could put a little colour into the lizard skin, my guys put a little green paint into the lizard skin before they applied it under the engine hood for sound and heat control - picture attached, now the alloy hood sounds like it is fiberglass
  19. Matt, no need for the dynamat, apply the 2 lizard skin products all non painted areas both inside and out, including both sides of the firewall. On the engine side of firewall, we applied 1 coat of the 2 products then light sand to smooth it out (lizard skin when dry is like a golf ball finish) then a second application to fill the golf ball type holes, then light rub back then we applied hyfill which we added about 35% flex additive to allow the hyfill to be compatible with the lizard skin (it is flexible - hence it's sealing quality and wont crack when dry) and did same with the hyfill a rub back and then another coat then paint undercoat with the 30-35% flex additive and same again with the top / final paint finish - we achieved result on the engine firewall side as the finished external paint and now 3 years since painted no cracking of any kind on the fire wall and withstands the heat from the engine, the sound control is good check out the lizard skin video the guy does a sound decible rating
  20. people seem to forget, we all gain from modern technology, however when there are power failures or comms are out, and we had them recently, it was like the world stopped - supermarkets could not process sales people had to wait up to 1 hour to complete their shopping, cash machines stopped, fuel pumps stopped - people got stuck and they could not go back to a manual system - I was lucky to have enough cash to pay for my groceries, if not !!!!
  21. we fitted a vintage air unit, gen 1V, evaporator fits snug under the dash behind the glove box but you have reduce the depth of the glove box and we connected to the windscreen sock so we have cooling, heating and demisting same as in a modern car, heats and cools really great, you can make a suitable panel say 3 inches attached to bottom center of dash to hold the 2 air vents or more and also 1 on each side, so you have 4 vents and the 2 demisters outlets, fed from the evaporator unit outlets, our condenser is behind the front bumper, important to get a correct size condenser, the technical support team at vintage air are really helpful to give good information, such as the condenser size and even the appropriate evaporator
  22. Great effort Matt, congratulations for your determination. Considering the near complete refabrication of the cab frame and panels work you are doing, for long term rust and sound and thermal protection/benefits, you may like to have a look at Lizard skin. We used it throughout our B model rebuild as have others restoring / rebuilding their Macks. It is easy to apply and being a water based non toxic liquid paste it will flow into all joints, cracks, corners and pockets of the cab and frame, resulting in 100% seal/protection. It dries quick in warm weather, and you apply no more than thickness of a credit card. If you apply the 2 lizard products, first sound protection and then the original lizard skin you will achieve the best result. And you also should apply inside the door cavities and walls, especially at bottom inside of the doors where water dust and moisture combines. Pictures of our cab and door with the 2 products applied, sound control first and lizard skin on top - must be in this order. We also did underside of the cab, engine side of firewall, underside of fenders and hood. No need to put any other stick on products. There are some good videos on you tube and the lizard skin web site to watch. We found the product around 2003 from a hot rod restoration magazine, it has been available at least 16 years.
  23. Please can someone explain or clarify my lack of political knowledge - Richard Stephens for Magistrate - "STANDING TALL FOR BERKELEY COUNTY" Magistrates normally sit ... as do all others in Court bar the lawyers when they speak etc
  24. I agree we have bought from them, they are always busy we had to follow them up for which they apologised, they mailed their product quickly and they were helpful in responding to questions for information. product quality was also good
  25. Thank you Brocky. And by chance last night looking at Superliners on youtube I found a short video of Willard arriving at a truck show with his LTL, bob tail and reversing into his parking spot - it looks and sounds terrific, the E9 is a perfect match in his LTL I will try copy the youtube video and post here. Imagine driving along side of Willard's LTL pulling his loaded hopper or dump tipper on a highway, would be a video to watch but without the glam music some of the people load onto their videos - just the truck on the highway and the motor whistling, 2-3 minutes would be a pleasure, no more needed
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