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Everything posted by harrybarbon

  1. This is an early photo of the first Aussie V8 Valueliner built, around 1987, motor - 440hp Mack with 12 spd box, when it was testing hauling the B double fuel tankers. The first driver, a Mr Allen, drove it 1.7 million kilometers before the heads came off. Years later the frame was stretched to allow fitting a 36 inch sleeper cab. It is now part of a collection here in Australia, the sleeper was removed some years ago. It has the same original colour, I think it been resprayed. The hood appears longer than it actually is, just the angle of the photo taken. Dan Thomas has an Aussie V8 Valueliner.
  2. Remember Sgt Schultz - Hogans Heroes - I see nothing ..... - the script writers were insightful ....
  3. Fake or real?
  4. Sgt Schultz - I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing ..... Captain replies - We know nothing about everything. Schultz replies - I don't believe you. 🤣 Apology, I tried to copy and paste part of the show, where Hogans heroes are planning an escape, they role down the drawing of a woman and that's when Schultz enters their cabin. 🤔
  5. Interesting, media will not publish the real information. Dr Sebastian Gorka an advisor to Trump was interviewed by our local morning show today. He said he interviewed an informed person on his podcast. This person said/quoted there is a recent official police report in Minnesota, quote - there were 8 children killed after a botched abortion. If true, I doubt the main stream media would publish this real information. The sad reality is that life is damn difficult for a big part of the population, for whatever reason, it always has been so, the WOKES/LALA's choose to ignore it, they won't do anything for these sufferers, never. Gorka quoted Clinton, "it is the economy stupid", he quoted that under Biden/Harris food cost has risen an average of 40% and average mortgage payments have risen from $800 to $1,700 per month, he said the pendulum was unlikely to swing after the debate and it was the middle group that will decide the result. Fuel costs are up I hear from US citizens, one Afro-American lady from Alabama said her monthly gas payments are double under Biden/Harris and she will vote Trump when she was better off. We have similar economic pain here. My insurance broker gave me figures this week to review our insurance cover values, the costs of various building materials. Since 2021 costs have increased the fastest since 1981. Last year the average cost rise was 16%, (after big rises since 2021), but within that rise steel, timber, copper, cables etc were up between 26% to 44%. Wages have not risen anywhere near this increase.
  6. "I have prosecuted criminals, crime is down - WE HAVE GUNS, ME AND WALZ" - could it be a campaign add!!!! 😂
  7. Joey Whatever the number of illegal immigrants, 10-20 million. I am wondering, where do they get their food and how do they get their food. What about housing, where are they living? Surely, when they arrive and where ever they go, they cant just magically get a job, money and food, so how do they feed themselves? Even 10 million, that is like 40% of the Australian population, that's a lot of mouths to feed daily.
  8. James Bond technology is no fantasy. This week a scandal has been exposed in the Italian govt. The culture minister's lover (she has 2 economic degrees - a smart cunning lady) has released many videos and voice recordings all taken by her RayBan glasses, that had mini microphone and camera. The minister has conceded it is true. Rule nothing out.
  9. I watched the debate. The moderators were not so objective and failed to ask vital questions, such as the possible "WEALTH TAX". What are all the wealthy celebrities, like De Niro, saying about this potential new tax? AN UNREALISED GAIN TAX. This has been floated here in Australia by the CEO of our largest bank recently. Strange KH says the same!!!!! This real proposal is a direct attack on the people who have worked damn hard all their lives, spent their money wisely, gone without, took care of their families and saved for their future, because no govt can or will ever take good care of the people. Now the fruit is ripe, it is going to be picked and enjoyed by those who have waited for the picking. Trump generally seemed to contain himself and had no slip of his mind or memory in the way the media has been trying to portray. KH seemed not to control herself by interrupting him a number of times, when she was rattled. Despite all the "VIBE/FEEL GOOD" around KH, she did not give any real achievable plans/proposals to explain why she should be the next President. She admitted that she and her running mate, Waltz, BOTH OWN GUNS - wow, why has that never been written by the media!!!! Yet they say GUN CONTROL. Is that blatant hypocrisy? Trump was correct to say that Europe should look after its region and backyard, but KH had nothing to say about the long ongoing $BILLIONS of USA support/subsidies/protection whilst the Europeans have for many years enjoyed the benefits of early retirement, fat govt pensions, fully paid long holidays, a high standard of living and US military defense. I hope the US people can see beyond the VIBE. I was looking to see if KH radiated as a world leader, it was not visible. I saw a govt prosecutor. Being a female has no relevance. There was no conviction in her voice. KH is not a Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady PM. There was a reason why KH received zero votes against Biden for the Democrat 2020 nomination. Please, can anyone say who is running the USA now? Is there an active President in Office when we need a world leader?
  10. I have watched about 20 youtube videos of John Kennedy. Previously, like Trump many years ago, John Kennedy was a democrat. Watching John's performance, I thought that he would have made an excellent Vice President candidate alongside Trump. His detailed knowledge, clear thinking, precise questions and calm but firm conduct at the govt committee hearings, John would easily crush Kamala and her running mate in any debates. I hope he retains his Senate seat and if Trump wins, that John will be appointed to a senior role in a new White House administration.
  11. Joey, please sir 🤔 you keep referring to sleepy joe as Dirty Harry, I am confused because "the Dirty Harry" is a cult hero, what am I missing? Some of his (DH) movie comments back then have come to fruition, especially law and order. And Dirty Harry/Clint Eastwood is a die hard Republican. PS- I am a big fan of DH movies and CE 😀
  12. Down here in Melbourne Australia late last year the bureau forecast the El Ninio and we would have a long dry and hot summer. That forecast did not eventuate. We have not had a day over 40 celsius for 5 years and I cannot remember a humid day or night for maybe 8 plus years. Prior to 5 years we did have 3-4 days of 40 and high humidity. I have not turned on my house air con in the last 5 years, just a fan and very comfortable. And along the coast at my son's home, we had 1 day around 35 for about 4 hours, otherwise a very mild summer and cool nights, all summer the temp was below 30, mostly 25-27. I have not noticed the sea temp rising, it was fresh all summer and cooled down fairly quickly at end of summer compared to years before.
  13. What are the comments about the debate from lets say, the "objective" commentators in your country? We have a biased media here, except for Sky News, so we do not have an objective review presented to us.
  14. We have it over here in Aussie land, lots of people sick, it is a flu, I got it 10 days ago, took the world number 1 flu anti-viral drug called Relenza, I have not stopped working and knocked it over quickly, no temp, no bad coughing and no fever because it works so well. Doctors here keep it a secret, pricks wont prescribe it. In Aus it has to be prescribed just to give them pricks more money for nothing. My doc wont argue with me, she writes my prescription, no questions. Today I went to get my reserve doses the chemist/pharmacy said no stock and none at the manufacturer, but I know that there are supplies going to all govt departments and hospitals etc for the ELITES. In Europe the chemist dispenses Relenza and half the price here and have been giving it to Covid sick people at least since 2021. US govt has massive stock reserves of Relenza. We the deplorables get nothing!!!! During the "pandemic" I could not buy my extra reserves because it went for the elites.
  15. My gas central heating unit "sh.. itself" last Saturday night. Night lows are 3 celsius and day top 14. Lucky I still have a gas oven so it is my heating for now and works very well to warm the house. I also bought a French made convention electric heater and it is cheap to run and helps to heat the house with the gas heater, better than the central heating did. And convection unit is efficient and no dust like comes from the ducts. Our limp left state premier and her previous dictator ultra left boss, banned all gas powered heating, cooking and hot water for usages in Victoria Australia from January 2025. That is houses, apartments, office buildings, cafes and restaurants etc. All new commercial kitchens have to have electric cooking services. Existing gas equipment whatever it is can be replaced if required, for the time being. The Vic govt has banned all gas exploration for some years. We are being led to serious consequences, and gas and electric power is sky high in price. All new land subdivisions are banned from putting in gas services, only electric is allowed. The opposition say they will reverse this ban if they get elected 🫰🙏
  16. It has the elements of a big Mack truck. When I first looked at it my first impression was a Mack/Ford joint development.
  17. Many years ago my son's godmother, drove back to Australia from the UK in a small Morris van via Europe, Yugoslavia, now Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia etc, Turkey, Armenia, Iran (then it was Persia) Afghanistan, India and parts of Asia. They had no safety or security problems, only the usual car breakdowns. She said it was easy times and the locals they met thru their travels were all good and friendly. Back in the early to mid 1970's many Aussie's and English did the overland route from UK to Australia. The VW Combi's buses were a very popular and durable vehicle for their travels, good for eating, sleeping !!! 🥰and driving. And some adventurers did the reverse from Australia to UK. Some did the journey over and then back. For now those opportunities are history. There is an old 1950's Leyland double decker bus somewhere in New South Wales Australia, which did the overland trip with about 15 odd young Aussies, Brits and other races. I read recently that the Beijing to Paris rally is happening now. Many years back there was the rally London to Sydney, the race was run for a few years. And I think I read that some of the competitors after a rest in Australia drove back to their home countries.
  18. Safe riding all the way home Vlad.
  19. The light blue truck cabin looks like the Ford truck cabs Road surface looks good, but with the snow still on top of the mountain, that road would be a challenge for winter driving, drivers especially truck operators would have to be experienced and there do not appear to be many guard rails for safety. Thank you for the photos of your journey. That church would be 100's of years old and they had their congregation even small villages.
  20. I dont think these Macks would pass roadworthy tests here in Australia 🤔 What about the USA or Canada, would they pass? 🤣
  21. Did this Mack belong to the Dentist? There was a story about his history some years ago, maybe on this BMT? If it is his truck, is the Dr alive?
  22. This late R model is interesting, it is after the US sanctions on Iran, so how did a late 1980's or early 1990's Mack find its way into Iran?
  23. Vlad are all those parked Macks working trucks? given the age of all those Macks, Inters and Mercedes Benz it is a credit to the owners and operators that they keep them running. Not pretty trucks but still earning money.
  24. Thanks for the information. I have observed how history repeats constantly in corporations, companies become successful through the efforts of real leaders, the next leader may maintain the success or even add to it or loss it, then the following CEO wreaks havoc and the company and sadly the many hard working staff suffer. International Harvester is an example of a once hugely successful company that failed. The massive share benefit approved by the Tesla board and shareholders is another example of a wrong decision. The add by Castrol Oil company is valid today and tomorrow - oils ain't oils. Is giving Musk that share allocation going to convert into a world resurgence of Tesla? Will Musk dedicate himself solely to Tesla, I doubt it. The Board of Tesla has failed it's shareholders and the greater community.
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