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Everything posted by harrybarbon

  1. I think the R model was the sweet spot for Mack trucks, production was from 1966 to 1990 and some particular models in the R range continued for longer, Mack motors and gear boxes proved their worth and reliability across many applications throughout the period. Just consider that 30,000 plus R models are operating in Iran. Vlad's photos speak volumes, the Iranian R models are not show ponies but they continue to do the job.
  2. Thank you. I appreciate the information and knowledge you have to share with us. How one event has such a significant financial impact, which probably in combination with other factors caused the demise of Mack Trucks company which lead to the 50% acquisition by Renault.
  3. KS please do you know where John Curcio went to work after Mack sold Hayes to Paccar?
  4. KS do you know where John Curcio went to work after Mack sold Hayes to Paccar?
  5. Last week I was talking to a man who was of Kurdish heritage and he lived in the region of Iran that was originally part of the greater Kurdish country. He described his homeland was above sea level 1,000 m, many cedar forests, the land is very fertile for growing all types of fruit trees, grain crops and good for sheep grazing. He also said the summer weather was comfortable but winter was cold and snow. Sadly in my schooling we did not receive a broad education of the geography of many countries other than our homelands.
  6. I have used fish oil to remove glue from tree sap that was on my car roof duco. We have WD40 spray cans here, I sprayed a liberal amount on the glue, left it absorb for 5-10 mins and gently removed the glue with a very soft kitchen rubber spatula.
  7. Hi Vlad, wonderful photos. During daytime there are no people around, is that because it is too hot or why? This would be a great tourist destination however and sadly political and other reasons prevent citizens of many countries from experiencing the amazing history in person. I would love to see what have enjoyed. I also notice that your photos it is very clean and more people are out at night. Thank you for your photos and information.
  8. Thank you, I forgot ask what gearbox and is it original gear box? Beautiful Mack 👌
  9. Your gear pattern was the main pattern for !90 and 200's here in Australia. From memory one of dad's had the overdrive fitted and 5th was swapped around with 4th, so 4th was back like reverse and 5th was in front like 1st. And changing was low 5th to high 4th and then high 4th to high 5th being the overdrive gear. The 2 speed diff was not changed, standard factory Inter. Speed was about 55 mph with non overdrive and 70 mph with overdrive and that was with the 453 Jimi engine, it was fast in its day.
  10. also www.ihtrader.com it states it has approx 17,000 members
  11. There is the OldIHC forum. It appears that the forum will close down sometime your Fall 2024. This site had parts for sale advertised for the bigger Inters like your 190.
  12. Tom, I have just looked at US Ebay and there are 2 Inter Scout knobs for bidding currently at $19.99. The knobs are the same as was fitted in your Inter truck. The tops are different pattern however you could have a new top shift pattern made up by someone with a 3D printer or laser machine to copy your shift pattern and you replace the it.
  13. An original International gear knob maybe? Probably hard to find, but there were 1'000's of inter in US that always possible to find. There used to be an International truck web site like the Big Mack and that was a good site for parts. Is it still on the internet?
  14. These Aussie Superliners have the fibreglass fender flares, that are made/available for the R model like your Mack. However gauging from your photo maybe the wheels stick out further than the flares extension. Worth a consideration.
  15. Thank you for the wonderful photos and take care. Enjoy the ride home.
  16. This was the 180 Cummins, it is very close to the fire wall. The fire wall was not cut or modified. I think the 671 would maybe need a fire wall modification. The V6-653 and the 453's were relatively easy to fit. My dad and the mechanic from the company that imported/sold the GM's usually retro fitted the 453 into his R190's during a weekend. There was no modification to the fire wall. They had all the parts etc ready for the job, including 2 new round cyl diesel fuel tanks, exhaust pipe and fittings. I was a kid then and I was the helper, 2 long days. The fun time was first start of the engine, late Sunday afternoon. They were noisy motors. Cummins was quieter. I think the hoods were very close or the same length because the cab and mounting, frame (Chassis) and front axle were the same positions. It looks longer, deceiving. That frame was universally used for various models, including the VCO (first low rise Emeryville cab overs). The VCO's had the same V8 motor as your V model, early ones and most were the 345's and later the 392's. The 345 and 392 were very popular and common in the concrete agi trucks here up to the late 1980's which ran on LPG. You have a top Inter, congratulations.
  17. Notice the steel bud wheels retained on the 1964 R model import, whereas all the bigger US trucks, delivered in Aust, like the Inter 180, 190 and 200's had spider wheels. The smaller Inter pick ups had steel buds. The British and European trucks all had steel bud wheels and different threads, US - SAE, Europe - metric and UK - Whitworth (British Standard Whitworth). Trailer threads were all SAE. Turntables (5th wheels) were SAE. So 2 sets of spanners and wheel tools were carried.
  18. an example of a 1964 R model direct import, it has the US chicken lights. The Aust Inter delivered trucks had no overhead lights, the buyer fitted them after purchase and mirrors as well. All we got was the basic bare cab and chassis no turntable etc.
  19. Here is an example of an Australian R model Inter with the Richardson cab. This cab was also used on the Australian L model, that preceded the R model. The L model had the 2 piece front windscreen, same as the old Dodge cab. Inter Australia sold nearly all the R models stock standard with the 6 cyl petrol motor. Inter refused to fit any other motor. The owners would retro fit, Cummins usually 160 hp, GM's - all second hand ex US military or US buses, 453, V6 - 653 and straight 6. And the 5 spd Inter gearboxes were kept, some did fit the 10 spd R/R. The Inter diffs were kept standard mostly. Also fitted were Rolls Royce diesels (rarely), Leylands and later Nissan UD's. My dad fitted a Leyland, the driver was always last to arrive. Dad swapped a 453 GM into the Inter, the driver said it like day and night. One of dad's R 190 model had the 453 (with a few washers under the pump), overdrive gearbox and 2 spd single high spd diff, it did 75mph pulling a boggie trailer, downside was the poor vacuum brakes. Some of the oil exploration companies imported their own US built R model Inters set up for oil rigging. There were some special US built orders for the outback mining type work.
  20. thought about a hood ornament - flying lady or swan? KTI was my R200 - 180 turbo Cummins, 10 spd overdrive R/R, high speed diff with 2 speed and Page and Page pusher axle. It was a fully imported from US, one of the later R models sold here. The other R200 is an early 60's model with the Richardson cab that was made in Sth Australia for Inter, it was the old Dodge cabin that fitted exactly with the Inter guards. We got the Inter comfo vision from 1963, way better than the Dodge cab.
  21. air brakes and sweet sound of Inter V8 😄 they were very popular in the 60's here in Australia and made operators real money, and flame shooters too.
  22. Matt have you noticed the benefit of the Lizard skin, sound etc?
  23. KS , I would not be concerned. Have a look at the Strike Foundation technology, the new industrial revolution is upon us. There is a Cat/Perkins 35 litre genset motor with the technology installed at at London waste site and it is functioning perfectly. India is in the process of implementing this new technology.
  24. Why do some V8 Superliners have the external air cleaners and some are under the hood, like Larry Yoders Superliner that is in the video above comment?
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