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Everything posted by harrybarbon

  1. Excellent truck, video captures the wheels as if they are spinning backwards. 😄
  2. Mid-late 1960's COE Peterbilts had Cummins and twin sticks. 1 driver I knew played tunes with the Peterbilt COE, Cummins and 2 sticks, next driver that drove it always got lost as he went uphill, he had to stop and start over, he said the engine cover messed with his gear changes. He soon stopped driving the Pete.
  3. Matt, any thoughts about putting mud flaps or some protection between the front of drive wheels and rear of storage boxes to protect and keep the box rears looking good and probably the doors as well? The boxes look great.
  4. Entry and exit was very easy compared to the same period US Kenworth cab over here in Australia.
  5. Are the aluminium fuel tankers sealed or lined to cart gas/petrol? Or just bare aluminium?
  6. Brocky, about 12 years ago my Toyota Prado - V6 injector petrol (gas) motor, was choking as I tried to start it. The Toyota service manager asked what petrol are you running. I said the special E10 which is same as your ethanol. He said put as much 98 octane fuel into tank give it time to mix with the ethanol and then try starting. Eventually I got it running but it was rough as and felt like 3 pistons firing. I had to get the fuel drained, some cleaning product thru the injectors and since then I only fill with 98 octane fuel. Best fuel economy and power as well. My local heating plumber told me same with LPG, there are different quality LPG. He also told me that his Ford Falcon work ute, 6 cyl since new he filled with 98 octane. 750,000 klms and head never been touched and motor runs perfectly well and does not burn oil between oil changes.
  7. 4 low ▶️ 5 low ▶️ 4 hi ▶️ 5i, last shift quick to keep the revs up, brings back lots of memories when I learned to drive the GM powered R190 gearbox, no syncro - double clutch/rev and slide the cogs in Great buy, congratulations. 2 exhaust pipes out the side to let the V8 be heard.
  8. two examples of the gear lever bent upwards, the red steering cab is a Diamond T with the Inter comfo vision cab and 4th picture is an Inter with same cab
  9. Wonderful purchase. Maybe you could ask if one of these drivers would like to drive it to the show. Many Inter R 190 and 200 owners in Australia used to bend that gear lever up near vertical from about 3-4 inches below the 2 spd button, so the lever would not touch the seat base and more user friendly for shifting gears. It was bent enough to not touch the dash board. I will see if I can find a picture of a bent lever.
  10. For anyone interested about this new technology, this is a brief update in relation to what is progressing in India. I think that once India implements this new technology, the USA power companies will want to take up the technology.
  11. this the V style design I was referring to that Mack used for the R model cabs, our R model V/liner has the wider square opening, I think all the Bicentennial's have the V shape opening. with the bigger opening you can open under the bunk into the cab and use it for personal storage and still have the original classic sleeper cab. your sleeper cab will look wonderful, congratulations
  12. A perfect match for Mrs Mack. Given your capabilities Paul, you could open the front, wider and down to the floor to make it like a walk thru and lower the bunk so it will be very easy to get in and out. Leave the outside original but convert the inside to make it enjoyable and comfortable. The entry can be the square opening or the lower opening the V shape that Mack had on the valueliners and superliners.
  13. This is an update on my recent post, it is a youtube video by Jordan at Alchemical Science, one of many posted by Jordan, an Australian physicist who has been following and investigating this new technology for at least 2 years. Bob Greenyer is an engineer who has been following this new technology for some time. In this video Jordan confirms the Indian navy to trial the technology. The Modi government of India has to resolve 2 major challenges for the future of India, 1/ Expand the energy supply to meet the huge growing demand for energy to power it's economy, which will surpass the Chinese economy. Currently India is the biggest coal user and it is forecast to double within 5 years or sooner if it is continued to be used to run the power generators and 2/ Chronic pollution across the country, which if not resolved will reduce economic development and growth.
  14. This is the future in many ways. Please have a read of the attached newspaper article that was published in a local Australian newspaper in Jan 2024. This is NO SHAM, the Indian govt is onto the technology exactly as it is reported in the article. The technology works as you will discover if you get into reading about it. There are many critics BUT they are lost in their bubble of controlled thinking and education. Just like the critics said the earth was flat. Then if you are interested to get more information, go to Strike Foundation.org and Alpha Prospects UK. There are a number of youtube videos to checkout to watch this world changing technology. With this new technology there will be retrofit units made so that our classic cars and trucks etc can continue to roam the highways indefinitely. And for the people wanting to operate their older trucks etc in the states like California, it will be the way to go.
  15. Thanks for posting.
  16. These look like Japanese trucks we have in Australia.
  17. Scania with Ford badge.
  18. Try Restoration Specialties USA, they have all the rubber and foam for the clearance lights.
  19. Try contacting Gary Richards, he is on facebook in the Mack Valueliners or Aussie Mack Valueliner, he worked at Mack in production.
  20. Speak to Tim Turner at Tylden Heritage, Kyenton VIC, he may have one in stock.
  21. Even after a long working life at old Lou Arthur's, MrsMackPaul is still full of energy. They certainly put their trucks to work and did not worry too much about presentation. Most of Lou Arthur's trucks were bought second hand and maybe some were ex - fuel tankers, Paul do you know the original owner and what it used for?
  22. It has to be the top of the list of classic Macks and all big trucks, particularly as it was early 1950's. The blue one with the E9 & Mercury alloy sleeper, which is still working pulling a tipping trailer during corn harvest, is 👌
  23. Same hood/bonnet as 6 cyl Valueliner in Australia. Neat R model Mack.
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