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Everything posted by harrybarbon

  1. Neat and tidy concrete yard and especially Mack.
  2. Volvo or SCANIA ?????? 🤔 What sort of $'s does it cost to land a good used tandem in Canada. Are there any restrictions and conditions to import the Scania's?
  3. Surprised to see the 'MACK' and Doggie on the hood - UPS have always had vehicles supplied with the brand name and emblems removed.
  4. Here is it's history, was owned by Howards Trucking. Does anyone know the history of Howard Trucking. I recall that Howard's had a number of trucks.
  5. is that the one with the 2 dogs on the cowling?
  6. Prices have gone up over there to. A 1987 Superliner day cab, 12 spd was sold for $AUS86,000 plus buying fee maybe 5% online auction last Friday. Average condition.
  7. Here in Melbourne daily I see many Scania truck and dog tipper (both quads and triple axles) units working on our major tunnels, mostly V8's, fully loaded they get up and go like cars. Some of these V8's have modified exhausts - they sound good. They seem very popular in the tipper work for civil works because of their tight steering circle set up.
  8. Well what about our pets, they fart too and it's ....,(my lab has been ... tonight) so will pets be banned soon? 😂🤔
  9. The Iranian F model looks similar to the late 60's F models we had in Australia. That F model and many other Macks were exported to Iran prior to 1982 when it was called Persia, a period that US had close ties. I wonder how and where they obtain parts for their Macks in Iran given the US sanctions.
  10. Interesting Vlad that you have mentioned the 4 lane highways. I have been listening to the BBC news tonight about the Turkish elections. Comment was that current President of 20 years has invested in building infrastructure. These roads seem to reflect that investment, they are major contributors to progress and commerce for the country for many years to come. And as you note trucks that can keep up good road speeds and safety as well. During WW2 the US army had a major civil contractor, Dillingham, build air fields and associated buildings in northern Australia for the Pacific war against the Japanese. After the war, Dillingham saw what the then US President had the government invest in the highways. Dillingham continued to operate in Australia after the war and during the mid 1950's, following the USA government new highways build, it submitted a proposal to the then PM Menzies government in Australia to build a tollways linking Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. Menzies rejected the offer. Well by 2009 we finally had a freeway between Melbourne and Sydney, nearly 60 years later. The freeway between Sydney and Brisbane is nearly completed, bar 3 major regional cities (one section has been delayed because of political dancing) and north of Sydney. And sections of the divided highway between Melbourne and Adelaide are completed, and long way to complete. Sadly, the Victorian sections of the highways are in very poor condition due to significant under investment in critical state government road funding. On reflection, it was a mistake by our government to reject the 1950's proposal by Dillingham to build the tollways. All the benefits, economic, road safety for the road users, tourism etc would have paid for the tollroads many years ago. And certainly Australia could have allowed the introduction of the bigger US built trucks as those tollways were being commissioned, which would have also produced many multiple benefits for our country.
  11. HI C Have you tried Tylden Heritage at Kyneton Victoria, they had stock of the V8 emblems, speak to Tim Turner.
  12. Looks like a custom extension! And it spoils the Superliner hood.
  13. Amazing scenery, thank you for the pictures Vlad. And deep snow this time of the year, it has not melted.
  14. Gee with some effort it could be converted into an interesting motor home, but many $'s 🤣
  15. We have the same Neway air ride, when I ordered new airbags I was informed the airbags are 1 standard size for this Neway airbag suspension.
  16. Have a look at Wikipedia Detroit Diesel - a full timeline history is listed. Detroit Diesel engine and Allison transmissions were divisions of General Motors. In 1970 GM consolidated these 2 divisions, the new joined division was named the Detroit Diesel - Allison Division. In 1980 DD-AD produced it's first 4 cycle engine. Hence the name Detroit Allison motors. Early 1980's the diesel engine production was split off as the Detroit Diesel Division and the turbine engine remained in the Allison Division.
  17. The mirrors on the international Emmeryvilles are the same as your steel mirror frames. They must have been a shared west coast mirror.
  18. Please what motor is it your LTL? Can you post pictures of the motor?
  19. Our V8 Valueliner was built with the Neway's and is rated at 80 tons payload, worked to pull heavy low loader trailers. Our B 75 has same Neway - which came off a Canadian V8 Superliner that was a cattle truck, after all the cattle piss for many years the Neway steel was very good after we sand blasted all the frame.
  20. engine must be sitting partly in the cabin? We have an E6 in our B75 and it is very close to fire wall, so by my thinking the engine maybe inside by up to 12 inches, assuming a bit of clearance at the back of the engine. But a good result to fit the E7.
  21. The red cab over looks like the US Ford cabin. The local cabs do not do justice to the Mack brand! I traveled around Spain and France in 1980 and 1985, saw lots of US B and R models, up in the northern part of Spain and particularly from 1 Spanish transport company, some B75's, the B models were mostly single drives and many of the R models were tandems. From memory most were Mack green.
  22. Please let me know if you receive it.
  23. US prices for the Superliners V8's are following our Aussie values upwards.
  24. Hi Matt - I see the alloy top is like ours with those pin holes/pitting. I found that I have to gently polish the alloy otherwise the pin holes may get bigger. But no leaks. Maybe one day we might find a compound that we can apply to seal the pin holes. Do you know of any such products?
  25. Thanks Joey, that seems to be the facts, USA has a trade deal to sell USA oil to China. I wonder when that Phase 1 trade deal was agreed and by whom? Maybe that is part of the reason for high fuel prices in USA? Mid 1990's our gas companies signed a deal to sell natural gas at Aus 2 cents a litre for something like 25 or more years, with little if no allowance for price increases or if there are they would be minimal. China is laughing all the way to ... I wonder if China has a cheap deal to buy USA oil?
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