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Everything posted by Lagator

  1. BR549 had it right. Replaced the turn signal switch and it works like a charm! Actually, as I replaced the TSS I noticed a wire coming out of the steering column and a wire coming out of the wiring harness sleeve that seemed to match up. Hadn't noticed that before so I probably could have just connected that to see if it was the problem but since I already had the new one on......... Lesson learned... Hope this helps someone else out! Thanks for all your help! Time to get her inspected!!!! woo hoo.
  2. Well.....I have changed the light housing, checked grounds, nothing worked to isolate this problem. Under the hood at that junction box I have the same thing going... One brake line at the left blinker. No brake with right flasher. I am going to try the flasher switch next. Ugh. Frustrated to say the least.
  3. Thank you Thomastractorsvc. I will try to isolate the brake from the left turn and apply the rest of your suggestion. Your drawing looks like mine, crude but effective!
  4. Thank you 2stacksuperdog. Any ideas?
  5. New to the forums but I did search for this and didn't see it so here goes..... From the front of my 1985 R model at the junction box there are 4 wires: white = brake and left turn; red = right turn; green = back ups and buzzer; black = clearance lights. I have everything working except a brake light on the right. Also, I want to make clearance lights up high on gate (dump truck) work for brake and turn signal also but not until I get this brake light issue figured out. Any help appreciated!
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